Calendar survey deadline arrives for 2024-2025 school year
(Seguin) — Today is the last day to provide input into next year’s school calendar for the Seguin ISD. The district is asking parents and the Seguin ISD community to select from one of two school calendars being proposed.
Sean Hoffmann, the chief communications officer for the Seguin ISD, says the calendar survey has been provided to parents via email and is currently available on the district’s website.
“We’ve got Option 1, Option 2 and they are very similar. Option 1 does have a school start date of Aug. 15 which is a Thursday and it has a last day of school of May 23rd which is a Friday before Memorial Day and then calendar Option 2 has a little bit later starting date proposed. It’s Monday, Aug. 19 with a last day of school on Wednesday, May. 28. So, that is after Memorial Day,” said Hoffmann.
Aside from those two start and end times, Hoffmann says the calendars remain very similar.
“We have traditional holidays built in such as Labor Day, Fair Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as Spring Break, Easter and Memorial Day,” said Hoffmann.
Now although most holidays will continue to be observed, Hoffmann adds that there will be a couple of different things that folks will notice this time around.
“We do not have intersession in these calendar options. There were funds earmarked for intercession and to help post Covid and those funds are no longer available so we aren’t able to provide any funding towards intersession so we went ahead and pulled intersession out of the calendar. Another little interesting nuisance is our teachers provided feedback suggesting that they get an in-service day and a student holiday on Friday, Nov. 1 which is the day after Halloween so our students will get to trick-or-treat Halloween night and not worry about having to come to school the next day,” said Hoffmann.
Hoffmann points out that the Seguin ISD takes the development of the school calendar very seriously as the district is required by state law to have a minimum of 75,600 instructional minutes in a school year and a total of 187 teacher contract days. More importantly, he says the calendar options are the result of months of hard work by the Seguin ISD’s Education Improvement Council (DEIC) which is composed of teacher representatives from each campus.
“We’re just hoping our parents, students, grandparents, community members take the time to look at these two options — tell us which option they like best and we also have a comment section so that they can provide additional feedback and let us know how they feel about the calendars,” said Hoffmann.
Other noted highlights on each proposed calendar is a student holiday on the day after Easter which is Monday, April 21. This year’s instructional calendar only includes Good Friday but not the Monday after Easter.
The proposed calendars will also not have half days embedded during the week such as the Wednesdays that were included for the current school year. Instead, half days have been proposed for the day before winter break begins and on the last day of school.
Last year, Hoffmann says 1,000 people responded to the survey. This year, he hopes even more responses will be reported.
Again, 5 p.m. today (Jan, 17) is the deadline to select from one of two calendar options being proposed for the 2024-2025 school year.
The calendar survey can be found on the Seguin ISD’s website at