Bill Ferguson: Mark your calendar
Wow! Another special election. Another 100-plus grand out the window.

Let’s hope the shekels shot on this goat rope will produce a worthwhile and trendy Vacaville school board member that the voters in Vacaville’s Ward #4 will finally embrace. Evidently, a concerned cabal that reside there were piqued that their pick was passed over and orchestrated a first amendment petition to oust the incumbent and vote in their bestie on Sept.12.
Of course, special elections, although fashionable, can be quite a handful to whomp up. Hurdles abound to justify the price tag. (Uber is happy to help harvest ballots and cemetery workers are willing to poll the pallid but all this costs money.)

Maybe the school board guys, not leaving anything to chance, are putting together a preparations committee. This august body will spend countless hours of additional tax money furrowing their brows and scratching their chins in an effort to seek out any perceived flaws in the voting venue and nip them in the bud.
“Oversight is the bane of hindsight.” intoned Dewey Kneed II, the proposed chairman of the preparations committee. “We need to guarantee the good people of Ward Four their long overdue justice and that they feel fully compensated this September 12th, a day they’ll celebrate for years.”

No doubt, the other wards in Vacaville are happy for them and will circle the date on their calendars. Especially Ward #6.
— Bill Ferguson/Vacaville