Your Monthly Horoscope for November 2023 is Here
November 2023 Monthly Horoscopes

Welcome to November 2023! Now that we’re out of the twilight zone, the astrology of November is bringing about a much-needed reality check. Although there are fewer active transits in the sky this month, that doesn’t lessen their impact. The electricity and raw emotion that last month’s eclipse cycle revealed are still a live wire connected to a power source. Most of the planets will be deep in the murky waters of Scorpio at the beginning of November. So be mindful of how quickly things can heat up until Scorpio season ends.
Astrologically speaking, November 2023 might feel like you’re still being forced to play by someone else’s rules. The shift from Scorpio season to Sagittarius could reveal that some risks are worth taking, even if it feels like a long shot. This time of year can bring intense karmic alignments to your life. There may still be some unexpected changes that could cause minor shifts in your current path. However, as the stars move towards the bright and bubbly energy of Sagittarius season, you will finally start seeing the light. This is a time to reflect on the past, gain clarity, and set new intentions for the future. So take advantage of this powerful time and trust that the universe has your back as you act on your passion.

Here’s a look at all the astrological events happening in November 2023, plus your personalized monthly horoscope.
Astrological Events Happening in November 2023

We start the month with the dark and mysterious vibes of Scorpio season, which will inspire you to seek out privacy and solitude. Saturn ends its five-month retrograde cycle in Pisces on November 4, 2023, taking a massive weight off everyone’s shoulders. Saturn is a planet of delays, limitations, and restrictions, and during its retrograde phase, the urge to escape reality can increase among the collective. It may have been difficult for you to face the truth of your situation during this retrograde period, and it could have also taken a toll on your motivation and energy levels. However, in the upcoming weeks, the overwhelming stress and tension will ease off, and a new picture of ambition will begin to unfold.
However, when it comes to romance and matters of the heart, November is looking like it could be Venus retrograde 2.0. On November 8, 2023, Venus enters Libra, the sign of its rulership. Typically, this is a warm and dreamy energy that places Venus in a position of power. But it’s a different story when Venus links up with the South Node of Destiny. During this transit, you might avoid addressing issues with your partner or loved ones. The South Node wants you to stay stuck in a place that feels comfortable, and in this case, it wants you to indulge in Libra’s people-pleasing tendencies. In other cases, this planetary alignment could tempt you to repeat toxic patterns that leave you unsatisfied. Your goal is to embrace radical honesty and truth in your relationships instead.

Speaking of embracing truth and honesty, Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 9, 2023, and will have everyone saying what’s on their heart. After spending the last few weeks diving deep into your feelings and reflecting on the past, Mercury in Sagittarius is giving you a chance to share what you learned. Just be mindful that your truth might not match other people’s truth. Entering this time, you may get pushback from people who aren’t too thrilled about these new revelations you’ve been making. Whatever you do, lead with kindness, and stand firm in what you know to be authentic. You can spend the next few weeks getting caught up in petty squabbles, or you can use this expensive energy to further yourself in a new project or philosophy in life. Choose wisely!
On November 13, 2023, the new moon in Scorpio will wash away the last remnants of your old life. New moon cycles are powerful moments of change. For the last two years, the eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio brought an extra heaviness to the sky. With this new moon in Scorpio no longer under the direct influence of eclipses—expect things to feel lighter. You’ve completely transformed your view of what brings safety and security to your life. And now that you’re secure in your decision-making abilities, it’s time to start fresh. Think back to what you released or let go during the lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023. What vision of the future did you imagine for yourself then? Use this new moon in Scorpio to create a vision board or manifest the first step in this new journey forward.
Expect bright things on the horizon when Sagittarius season begins on November 22, 2023. For the next four weeks, you create the brightness in the darkness of the winter months. The energy is ripe with adventure, and you’ll find many opportunities to make new connections and meet people with similar interests. Expect the momentum to continue when Mars enters Sagittarius a few days later on November 24, 2023. You might feel your attention being pulled in a thousand different directions but try to narrow your focus and attention to a handful of essential things rather than spread yourself too thin. Sagittarius energy likes to be a jack of all trades– but this month, the stars hope you’ll dive deeper.
Finally, the month ends with a full moon in Gemini on November 27, 2023. This full moon is square Mercury and Neptune, which can scramble your thoughts and leave your energy feeling fried. You might feel like you have all the motivation and energy to accomplish things, but executing your plans may not be as easy as you expect. Don’t get frustrated if things don’t go as planned. Instead, choose one or two tasks that you want to achieve during this full moon, and let the rest of the day unfold naturally. It may seem like the detours and distractions are only an inconvenience, it could be the universe redirecting you to the right place at the right time. Be curious, be flexible, and be easy-going.
Important Astrological Dates in November 2023
For those of you who like to write everything in your calendar ahead of time – these are the dates you’ll want to keep an eye on this month.
November 2023 Major Astrological Events:
November 4, 2023: Saturn direct in Pisces
November 8, 2023: Venus enters Libra
November 9, 2023: Mercury enters Sagittarius
November 13, 2023: New moon in Scorpio
November 22, 2023: Sagittarius season begins
November 24, 2023: Mars enters Sagittarius
November 27, 2023: Full moon in Gemini
November 2023 Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign
Curious to learn what the stars have in store for you this month? We recommend reading the horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most accurate message.
Aries (March 20-April 19)
This month may feel overwhelming for you at first, Aries, but it’s important not to let it get to you. After the eclipses last month lit a fire under you, everything suddenly feels like it’s moving at half-speed again. Your ideas will get more bold and grandoise once Mercury enters Sagittarius, but don’t expect to feel any major motivation behind your plans until Mars enters Sagittarius on November 24, 2023. Take the first half of the month to carefully plan out the blueprint for your new expansion plan. Even though it may feel like you’re just waiting around, investing time and effort in visualizing your goals will enable you to see the synchronicities. As Sagittarius season begins, you could find yourself finding an internal calling that was once lost to you that allows you to challenge yourself.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month isn’t going to be the big, spiritual ‘aha moment’ you were hoping for, Taurus, and that’s because you’ve had enough revelation to last you a lifetime. Instead, the astrology of November is showing you that the only way to experience happiness is to live in the moment. Saturn retrograde in Pisces placed some significant restrictions on how you connect to your local community and forge those daily bonds. You were probably too busy dealing with “real life” bullshit during the eclipses, but with that all behind you now, Saturn moving direct on November 4, 2023, invites you to find new ways to integrate yourself in spaces with people that share your values. Sagittarius season will be an ideal time to reconnect with yourself and bathe in the luxury of the life you’ve created.
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Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’re breaking a huge cycle this month, Gemini, and it’s been a long time coming. You’ve been repeating a pattern with a feminine energy or authority figure in your life, and despite your efforts, there’s no resolution yet. However, when Saturn retrograde in Pisces ends on November 4, 2023, you’ll be able to feel the shift. Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius will give you new ways of communicating your point of view. However, it can also make your tongue a bit sharper than you’re used to. This month is about honoring the validity of your truth. Keep an eye out for the full moon at the end of the month in your sign. Take this time to ask questions and have key conversations with your inner circle. If you need objective clarity on something you’ve been dealing with, this day might bring everything into focus.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You’re discovering a newfound lust for life this month, Cancer. Saturn moving direct in Pisces on November 4, 2023, could inspire you to reinvest in your career and find new ways to assert your authority. Seek out the opportunities that suit your skill set best, not necessarily the ones that put you in the most prestigious position. You do your best when you play to your strengths. If you’ve been considering making a significant change in your life, the new moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023, is a chance to explore this energy. This new moon is an ideal time to alchemize and initiate new beginnings. As Sagittarius season starts, the demand from friends and family might reach a boiling point. You’re redefining your boundaries with old relationships and finding a new balance that works.
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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The stars are aligning for you in a big way this month, Leo. The tail end of Scorpio season will have you making some final adjustments to your home life, with the new moon in Scorpio opening your heart to more sensitive topics with the people close to you. Don’t be afraid to lean on your friends when needed. Then, as Sagittarius season comes, expect some unexpected attention in your career sphere. Whether a new opportunity presents itself or you’re given the chance to flex your skills, everyone wants you to do something amazing! Venus in Libra could reveal some jealousy from colleagues or even your boss who wishes they were in your position, but try not to pay them any mind. Instead, surround yourself with people you admire who are headed in the direction you see yourself going.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This month is about embracing the low-effort, bare minimum-energy lifestyle, Virgo. Saturn retrograde in Pisces pressured you the entire time Venus was in Virgo. And now, with Venus moving into Libra on November 8, 2023, you can detach the emotions from the decisions you have to make. It’s not personal; it’s about protecting your peace. Sagittarius season is an excellent time to think outside the box and make subtle changes to your lifestyle. The new moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023, could feel illusionary or uncertain to you. Don’t be afraid to engage with your skeptical side, and try to avoid jumping to unwarranted conclusions, especially involving emotional matters. Avoid making any decisive decisions or actions, until you feel you have all the information you need.
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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)
This month is going to be a lucky one for you, Libra. Expect your social life to take center stage when Venus enters Libra on November 8, 2023. You’re reconnecting with old friends and making new acquaintances more aligned with where you’re headed. As Mars and Mercury enter Sagittarius, your magnetism to others will reach levels off the charts. However, too much of a good thing can go to your head. Don’t let this newfound attention cause you to act unfaithfully to who you are. For the next few weeks, your usual balanced approach to relationships might feel tumultuous. While it’s important to be kind, sometimes you need to speak the truth to tackle the root of the problem. It’s crucial to distinguish between factual truth and emotional truth while dealing with conflicts this month. Being honest about your feelings is the first step towards making changes to your life.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
After months and months of wanting to burn your whole life to the ground, you’re feeling very zen all of a sudden, Scorpio. Don’t be alarmed; this is normal, considering eclipse season just closed out a transformational time in your life. You’re leading a quiet rebellion against the status quo, starting with the new moon on November 13, 2023. It’s time to let go of the people, places, and things that have already let go of you. It’s time to make peace with the person you once were and leave your demons in the past. Sagittarius season kicks off November 22, 2023, and will be a spiritually enlightening time for you, even if it is emotionally taxing. When things get too overwhelming in your head, turn your attention to making adjustments to the physical world or getting outside for some fresh air.
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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This month will be a real test of your patience, Sagittarius. On the one hand, you’re entering the transformational period of life this month that will place you in a position of authority in your career. However, these expectations of you could cause much more stress than you’re used to. Relax into the change of pace, and don’t push yourself harder than you feel necessary. Other people’s sense of urgency doesn’t require immediate action from you. Things will start to feel more natural to you as Mars and Mercury enter your sign later in the month. You feel your best when you can take a break from your obligations and be spontaneous. In the next few weeks, you have a great opportunity to travel and experience new things. Even if you can only take a few days off, switching up your surroundings could do wonders for your overall perspective and mental health.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
There’s still a lot simmering under the surface for you this month, Capricorn, but the stars want you to set that aside and try to enjoy yourself if you can. Your planetary ruler ends its five-month retrograde on November 4, 2023, and things will finally start going your way again. It’ll still be hard work, of course, but all the miscellaneous issues and red tape will resolve itself. You might be tempted to use all this newfound energy and time to advance your professional goals, but your energy might be better used just by having fun. Or, if you’re really looking to stack the odds in your favor, try taking a more playful approach to your career ambitions during Sagittarius season. You’ve already proven you have the skills to execute your ideas. So feel free to show your personality a bit this month!
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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This month is about connecting with your passions and learning to express your desires, Aquarius. You’ve been making sacrifices on a deep inner level for the last five months while Saturn retrograded through Pisces. During this time, you faced your darkest fears head-on, although you might not have gotten over any of those lingering doubts. However, your self-confidence and assuredness have gotten stronger. Now, Sagittarius season is a chance for you to step into your power, and with so many planets moving through this fierce fire sign, it’s an ideal time to take action. The full moon in Gemini on November 27, 2023, will inspire you to explore non-traditional ways of broadening your worldview. Take time to question conventional wisdom and seek out innovators with fresh viewpoints.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You’ve been free-falling for what feels like an eternity, Pisces—and if you’re not careful, you might hit the ground too hard. Saturn retrograde in your sign was a dreamy escape away from your troubles, but with Saturn moving direct on November 4, 2023, it’s time to get back to work. The good news is that things that one’s felt difficult for you will now flow easily. Sagittarius season will add the lightheartedness and ease that you’ve been desperately looking for. Over the next few weeks, several of your past manifestations may cross your path and tempt you into taking a detour. Instead, accept the invitations that best align with your heart’s desire. Just because you have to pass on an opportunity doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. Anything truly meant for you will make it back to you.
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