Pension Payments in Italy: No Increases in May, Awaited Adjustments in July and August In May, pension amounts will not see increases compared to the last few months. The checks will follow the revaluation already underway for several months, while to see the increased pensions, it will be necessary to wait until July and August with the fourteenth month payment – for those entitled to it – and with the Irpef refunds. The first bankable day of the month is Thursday, May 2, since the first of the month is a holiday (Labor Day). Although there are those who will receive it in advance compared to others: they are the clients of Banco Posta, for whom early credit is planned, as already happened in April, between Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1. All others will have to wait until May 2. As for cash withdrawals, the ordinary calendar based on the initial letters of the beneficiaries’ surnames will be followed, as always happens. Here is the possible calendar for cash withdrawals, although the official one will be published by the INPS and Poste Italiane towards the end of April. Thursday, May 2: Surnames from A to B; Friday, May 3: Surnames from C to D; Saturday, May 4 (morning only): Surnames from E to K; Monday, May 6: Surnames from L to O; Tuesday, May 7: Surnames from P to R; Wednesday, May 8: Surnames from S to Z. From the pension, as usual, some amounts such as the monthly Irpef withholding, the regional and municipal surcharges for the 2023 balance and those on account for 2024 concerning those municipalities will be withheld. The payslips to know the amount of one’s checks are expected around April 20. Here is a table with the amounts by bracket. 1,000 euros (5.4%) 54 euros gross per month 1,500 euros (5.4%) 81 euros gross per month 2,000 euros (5.4%) 108 euros gross per month 2,500 euros (4.59%) 114.75 euros gross per month 3,000 euros (2.86%) 85.80 euros gross per month 3,500 euros (2.53%) 88.55 euros gross per month 4,000 euros (2.53%) 101.20 euros gross per month 5,000 euros (2%) 100 euros gross per month 6,000 euros (1.19%) 71.40 euros gross per month. To see the ‘increases’, not definitive but those linked to the fourteenth month (for those entitled to it) it will be necessary to wait until July and August, when the first Irpef refunds will arrive for those who have submitted the income statement with form 730/2024 indicating the INPS as the tax substitute and towards whom an Irpef credit to be recovered has resulted.
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