Community Calendar of Events
Jun. 20—Yoga

every Wednesday in June/July @ 9:30 am — 10:30 am
Coos Art Meseum

Artist Studio Group

Wednesdays, June 26; July 10; July 24; August 21; August 28; September 11; September 25
@ 11 am — 4 pm
Coos Art Museum
Bluegrass Jam Session
Second Friday in June, July, and August @ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Join Willie and the South Coast Bluegrass Band at the North Bend Public Library for a Bluegrass Jam Session every second Friday during June, July, and August. All skill levels are welcome to attend.
Preschool Storytime
Every Tuesday
June 15 — August 3
@ 10:30 am
Baby Play
Every Thursday
(July 4 cancelled)
June 15 — August 3
@ 10:30 am
Toddler Music
and Movement
Every Friday
June 15 — August 3
@ 10:30 am
“My, What a Circus” or “Keep Your Big Hands Off My Bigfoot”
June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 13, 20, 27; August 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 30, 31 All at 7 pm
June 16, 30; July 13, 21; August 11 All at 2 pm
What happens when Darius Dingling, the evil and conniving owner of Dingling Brothers Three-Ring Circus, comes to town on the hunt for a big-footed critter to add to his circus attractions? Will his lust for money be abated once he captures the elusive Bigfoot, or will his desire for innocent young maidens leave the town whirling when he kidnaps sweet Abigail Goodsoul as well? Can Cyrus Morningside, the postmistress’ quiet son, rescue both Abigail and Bigfoot from the clutches of the nefarious Darius? All these questions, and more, are answered on stage at the Sawdust Theatre this summer!
Jay the Magician
Saturday, June 15 @ 2:00 pm
Meeting Room of the North Bend Public Library
The North Bend Public Library is kicking off their Summer Reading Program with a performance by Jay the Magician. Jay “the Magician” Frasier is an award-winning master of sleight-of-hand and physical comedy. He is known for delighting audiences of all ages through crowd participation and engaging the imagination. No registration is required to attend.
A Talk Entitled
“Arresting Alzheimer’s”
Monday, June 17 @ 6:00 pm
Meeting Room of North Bend Public Library
OSU Extension’s Stephanie Polizzi, MPH, RDN, will present a talk on preventing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia at the North Bend Public Library. Stephanie will explain that despite how dementia symptoms, including Alzheimer’s disease, often occur after age 65, dementia is not a normal part of aging. During her talk, Stephanie will outline the major causes of Alzheimer’s and dementia and will empower listeners to make lifestyle changes that help prevent these degenerative diseases.
Beginning Oil Painting
Tuesdays, June 25; July 2
@ 2 pm — 6 pm
Coos Art Museum in Art Ed Classroom
FREE Screening of
The Black Panther
Friday, June 21
@ 7:00 pm — 9:30 pm
The Egyptian Theatre
229 South Broadway, Coos Bay OR 97420.
Mixed Media Artist Group with Natalie Hargreaves
Fridays, June 21; July 5; July 19; August 2; August 23; September 6; September 20 @ 11 am — 4 pm
Coos Art Museum
Block Party 2024
Saturday, June 22
@ 1 pm — 10 pm
A Bicycle themed day of family fun with FREE activities & live music at the Itty Bitty Inn stage by: Kiras — Acoustic Grunge, Half Circle, Face Plant, & Gorduroy Gump; Bike activities: SMART cycling class for youth (1pm) Please sign up your young person at:…/1k_GYxRKjG9ea7S…/edit…, family fun bike ride (3pm) bring your bikes down, tyke bike races, fun bicycle games & jousting; Painting & stamping for community art (opens at 2) & free take home art pieces, make your own bike tassels & stickers, chalk art, art raffle; Belly dancing performances by local troupes (6pm); drumming and fire dancing; Healthy & tasty foods, & beer garden thanks to our sponsor North Forty Brewing of North Bend (opens at 3pm, 21 and older, ID required). FREE helmet give away and more!!!
A Talk on Pollinators
Saturday, June 22 @ 1:00 pm
Meeting Room of North Bend Public Library
Gardening expert Rowan Keltz is giving a talk at the North Bend Public Library about bees, butterflies, and other pollinators and how to create a pollinator-friendly garden. Rowan has been gardening for over sixty years. She also holds a master’s degree from the John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies, focusing on ecosystems and land management methods. She is a member of the Coquille Valley Seed Community and happily shares plant starts, seeds, and her diverse knowledge with the community.
Coos Bay Shakespeare
in the Park
June 22, 23, 29, 30
@ 2:30 pm
Mingus Park
In its 9th year of presenting free Shakespeare plays, Coos Bay Shakespeare in the Park will present Julius Caesar two consecutive weekends in June — June 22, 23, 29, 30 — green show beginning at 2:30 p.m., play beginning at 3pm.
—————Teen Program:
Statement Buttons!
Wednesday, June 24
@ 4:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Teens are invited to the North Bend Public Library to create customized, wearable buttons with our button press to express themselves. All materials, snacks and drinks will be provided. No registration is required for this program, and all materials and snacks will be provided.
“You Do Speak English, Don’t You?”
with Mark and
Helena Greathouse
Thursday, June 25
@ 6:30 pm
Meeting Room of North Bend Public Library
“You Do Speak English, Don’t You?” is a family-friendly, cabaret-style variety show. It features humorous stories from the duo’s first meeting in Hamburg, Germany as foreign students (Helena from former Czechoslovakia and Mark from the US) to falling in love, getting married, and eventually moving to Mark’s native Oregon. The show further explores Helena’s experience growing up behind the Iron Curtain and the challenges Helena and Mark have experienced as a Czech-American couple living in the US.
Creating a Pleasant-Smelling Room Spray
with Cheryl O’Dell
Tuesday, June 25 @ 3:30 pm
Conference Room of the North Bend Public Library
A class by Natural Grocers Cheryl O’Dell on creating a pleasant-smelling room spray from everyday ingredients will be held at the North Bend Public Library. Cheryl O’Dell holds a Master of Science Degree in nutrition from Bastyr University, School of Natural Medicine. Her passion is engaging with the local community to achieve their health goals by helping them establish healthy habits that align with their individual lifestyles. When not at Natural Grocers, Cheryl enjoys spending time in the natural areas of Coos Bay and participating in the region’s local festivities.
Teen Book Swap
Wednesday, June 26
@ 4:00 pm
Meeting Room of the North Bend Public Library
All teens are invited to the North Bend Public Library for a book swap. Bring your unwanted books and swap them with other teens. Snacks and drinks will also be provided.
Food Hero: Kids Can Cook
Thursday, June 27
@ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Many Hands Make Light Work: Oregon Bay Area Beautification
Friday, June 28 @ 1:00 pm
Meeting Room of the North Bend Public Library
Learn about the Oregon Bay Area Beautification, a volunteer organization and nonprofit dedicated to the goal of beautifying public spaces in the Oregon Bay Area. OBAB’s founder and president, Beth Chu, will share an overview of OBAB’s mission and discuss how you can make a difference.
Poetry Concert with
Thomas Mitchell
and Richard Robbins
Saturday, June 29 @ 1:00 pm
Meeting Room of the North Bend Public Library
The North Bend Public Library will host a Poetry Concert with Thomas Mitchell and Richard Robbins.
Family Art Class:
Styrofoam Painting
Saturday, July 6
@ 2 pm — 3 pm
Coos Art Museum
The Coos Canvas:
20th Maritime Exhibit
Saturday, July 6; Opening @ 4 pm; Dinner @ 6pm
Coos Art Museum
Dirty Soda Party for Teens
Monday, July 8 @ 4:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Teens can create their own dirty soda, by mixing their choice of soda with flavored syrups and cream. Teens can experiment with different flavors to create their own custom drink. Snacks will also be provided. The program is for teens ages 13-18, and no registration is required.
Wildlife Safari:
Here Today,
Gone Tomorrow?
Tuesday, July 9 @ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
During the program, families with children are invited to learn the difference between endangered and vulnerable species, what causes species extinction, and what zoos and scientists are doing to recover species populations. They will also experience an up-close encounter with 4 animal ambassadors — an American badger, a rainbow boa, a desert tortoise, and a black-tailed prairie dog.
Living and Working in Space with Dr. Aaron Coyner
Thursday, July 11
@ 6:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Dr. Aaron Coyner will give a presentation on “Living and Working in Space” at the North Bend Public Library. Join us to learn how astronauts recycle and reuse supplies to extend the use of the limited resources available to them.
Dr. Aaron Coyner is a solar physicist and faculty member at Southwestern Oregon Community College. He has research experience having spent graduate school at Rice University, and a 3-year post-doctoral research term at NASA/Goddard Spaceflight Center. Since 2019, he has been a NASA Solar System Ambassador with a goal to make space accessible to everyone.
Fused Glass Jewelry
Saturday, July 13
@ 1 pm — 3 pm
Coos Art Museum
Museum of Natural and Cultural History’s
Journey Under the Sea
Saturday, July 13 @ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Families with children are invited to explore Oregon’s underwater environments and discover the amazing variety of life that can be found in kelp forests or rugged, rocky reefs. During this interactive program, children will engage in activities and investigations that will inspire them to protect Oregon’s diverse ocean habitat.
Historic Sketching
Walking Tour
Wednesday, July 17
@ 12 pm — 3 pm
Coos Art Museum
Lies, Sex, and Radio
with Dick Wagner
Wednesday, July 17
@ 6:30 pm
North Bend Public Library
A talk on the colorful life and career of the famed radio host M. Sayle Taylor. M. Sayle Taylor was a self-proclaimed sex and marriage expert who rose to national prominence in the 1930s with his radio show the “Voice of Experience.” Before his rise to fame, he was closely connected to the Coos Bay area and served as Marshfield High principal in 1922 and 1923 and as North Bend School Superintendent from 1923 through 1926. However, despite his illustrious career as a successful media psychologist, he lacked professional credentials and qualifications, and he led a secret life that concealed a dark history of crime and deception.
Dragon Theatre Puppets: The Super Silly Circus
Wednesday, July 17
@ 10:30 am
North Bend Public Library
On Wednesday, July 17 at 10:30 AM, Dragon Theater Puppets will perform an interactive puppet show, “The Super Silly Circus,” at the North Bend Library. During the show, watch the Circus Ringmaster try, and fail, to have the greatest circus on the earth but learn that even if you make a mistake, you can still have your dreams come true.
Teen Trivia Event
Wedensday, July 17
@ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
On Wednesday, July 17 at 2:00 PM, teens ages 13-18 are invited to the North Bend Public Library for Teen Trivia. Teens can put their knowledge of pop culture, music, books, and movies to the test! Snacks and drinks will be provided.
The Coastal
Watershed Game
Thursday, July 18
@ 3:30 pm
North Bend Public Library
North Bend Public Library will welcome the Coos Watershed Association and the South Slough Reserve for The Coastal Watershed Game! The Coastal Watershed Game is an active, hands-on simulation that helps groups learn how land use impacts water quality and natural resources. Participants are invited to collaborate with each other to play and learn about watershed health.
Dinosaur Prophecy
Friday, July 19 @ 5:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
See real-life dinosaur bones and hear from Dr. Win McLaughlin, Geology & Paleontology Professor at SWOCC, before watching the film Dinosaur Prophecy in SWOCC’s portable planetarium. During the film, watch as scientists visit dinosaur graveyards, study their bones, and reconstruct how these creatures lived and died to solve four famous cold cases from the age of the dinosaurs in Dinosaur Prophecy.
Fair Housing 101 Virtual Presentation with Jamie Gatewood
Friday, July 19 @ 1:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Jamie Gatewood of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon will give a virtual presentation about the legal protections that exist to end housing discrimination against families with children and people with Social Security or other sources of income unrelated to employment. Participants must register to attend this virtual event at
Mandala Dot Art Class
Saturday, July 20
@ 11 am — 2 pm
Coos Art Museum
Learn how to create intricate patterns and designs using a simple dot of paint. All supplies provided, register online at
Ranger Talk:
Protect the Plover!
Thursday, July 25
@ 2:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
Ranger Rider Frey will discuss the western snowy plover, a threatened small shorebird the size of a sparrow. During his talk, Ranger Frey will share the western snowy plover’s natural history, conservation efforts scientists are making, and how they can help preserve and protect this special bird.
This Ranger Talk is family-friendly but is most suitable for children 1st grade and up. The program is part of the Summer Reading Program at the North Bend Public Library.
Murder of a Millionaire
Friday, July 26 @ 6:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
The North Bend Public Library invites patrons to help solve a murder mystery! During an immersive murder mystery game, participants will collect clues to help them crack the unsolved case and catch the killer!
Teen Paint Along
with Megan Gray
Tuesday, July 30 @ 4:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
The North Bend Public Library will host a program for teens with local artist Megan Gray on Tuesday, July 30 at 4:00 PM. Teens are invited to follow along as Megan Gray provides step-by-step instructions to create their own paintings inspired by the Northern Lights. No experience is necessary. All materials, supplies, and snacks will be provided.
Mycology and Conservation Ranger Talk
Wednesday, July 31
@ 6:00 pm
North Bend Public Library
A Ranger Talk will be held at the North Bend Public Library on Wednesday, July 31 at 6:00 PM. Oregon Park Ranger Rider Frey will discuss the role mushrooms play in our local biomes and provide tips on mushroom hunting and identification.
Messtival: Messy Festival
Friday, August 3
@ 1:00pm — 3:00 pm
Union St., North Bend
Coos Art Museum:
Celebrating 40 Years!
Sunday, August 11
@ 1pm — 4 pm
Free admission into all galleries, historic show posters exhibition, Polaroid memory wall, make a button souvenir, cupcakes and punch!
Summer Art Camp
August 13 — 15
@ 11 am — 2 pm
Coos Art Museum
Life Drawing Group (21+)
Mondays, September 9; September 23; October 7; October 21; November 4; November 18
@ 6 pm — 8 pm
Coos Art Museum