December 2023 Closing Instructions Summary
Financial Operation’s calendar year-end closing and Holiday schedule.
Full DescriptionThe following chart contains important deadline dates related to Financial Operations’ calendar year-end closing and Holiday schedule.

Saturday09-Dec-20236:00 p.m.
W&M and VIMS PayrollHourly and Student EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 23: 11/16/23-11/30/23Supervisor’s Approval Monday, 11-Dec-202310:00 a.m.
PayrollW&M x12848
Saturday 09-Dec-20236:00 p.m.
W&M and VIMS PayrollSalaried EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 23: 11/25/23-12/09/23Supervisor’s Approval Monday, 11-Dec-202310:00 a.m.
PayrollW&M x12848

Tuesday12-Dec-20235:00 p.m.(SEE NOTES 1&2)
W&M/VIMSFiscal Vendor Check Requests & eVA PO Invoices(Direct pays, Reimb/Refunds/Honorariums)

Accounts PayableAmber Brown,W&M x12838
buyWM PO Invoices
Accounts PayableAmber Brown,W&M x12838
Tuesday12-Dec-20235:00 p.m.(SEE NOTE 1)
W&M and VIMSChrome River Travel Transactions
TravelLaDonna BrownW&M x12836
Friday15-Dec-20235:00 p.m.(SEE NOTE 1)
W&M and VIMSTransfer InvoicesJournal Vouchers/Fuploads

Data ControlSherry Joyner,W&M x12835Melissia Varnadore,W&M x14807
W&M Sponsored ProgramsDestiny Jones,W&M x11851
VIMS Office of FinanceSuzanne Pitsillides,
VIMS x7036
Sunday17-Dec-20236:00 p.m.
W&M and VIMS PayrollHourly and Student EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 24: 12/01/23 – 12/15/23Supervisor’s Approval Monday, 18-Dec-202310:00 a.m.
PayrollW&M x12848
6:00 p.m.
W&M and VIMS PayrollSalaried EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 24: 12/10/23-12/24/23Supervisor’s Approval Monday, 18-Dec-202310:00 a.m.
PayrollW&M x12848
Tuesday19-Dec-20233:00 p.m.(SEE NOTE 4)
W&M and VIMS Deposit TransmittalsFinal December Deposit
CashieringKaren Donley,W&M x11228
Tuesday 09-Jan-20246:00 p.m. W&M and VIMS PayrollHourly and Student EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 1: 12/16/23-12/31/23Supervisor’s Approval Wednesday, 10-Jan-202410:00 a.m. PayrollW&M x12848 Tuesday 09-Jan-20246:00 p.m. W&M and VIMS PayrollSalaried EmployeesTime SheetsPay Period 1: 12/25/23-01/09/24Supervisor’s Approval Wednesday, 10-Jan-202410:00 a.m. PayrollW&M x12848
NOTE 1: Documents received by the dates noted are guaranteed processing in the December 2023 fiscal month. However, please continue to submit all documents through December 19, 2023, as we will continue to process transactions as time permits for the month of December.
NOTE 2: To maintain the university’s compliance with the State’s Prompt Payment Act, please pay particular attention to those vendor payments that will be due both immediately prior to and following the holidays. Vendor invoices received during the break must be processed immediately upon returning in January.
NOTE 3: *There is no deadline for buyW&M PO Invoices. However, buyW&M PO invoices must be completed and synched to Banner by Tuesday, December 19, 2023, for payment to be processed by last check printing day on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
NOTE 4: Additionally, please note that deposits made through Tuesday, December 19, 2023 by 3:00 p.m. will be recorded as December deposits. Areas on campus that have collected funds for deposit should not retain these funds in their office during the holiday break and are required to deposit all collections to the Cashier no later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. Deposits made after December 19th will be kept in the safe but will not be recorded into Banner until January.
We understand there may be situations that require an exception to this published schedule. Please contact the extensions listed, based on document type, in order to accommodate any necessary adjustments.