Muscatine indoor complex could open in February 2025
During the regular Muscatine City Council meeting Thursday evening, the council received an update on the proposed indoor sports complex that is being constructed on the soccer west fields.

Parks and Recreation Director Richard Klimes said the project, which has been undergoing planning for the past two years, originated when a member of the private sector approached the city with the idea. It will be almost a 50/50 split of private and public funding, he said.
The 120,000 square foot air-filled bubble, he said, will be standing all year.

“We invite everyone to be a part of this,” Klimes said
During the public hearing, resident Havier Montez said his concern is with the construction of the structure, in providing safety and security while it is being built.

Klimes said the same kind of security cameras going into parks now are being installed at the complex.
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Resident Jesse Garcia said when he was playing soccer while growing up in Muscatine, finding an area for teams to play was a problem — especially in the winter.
“This will fill a gap that I personally believe in and I know that there is a lot of support in the community from people who might not come and tell you,” he said.
Other members of the public had positive comments on the project. Resident Karen Cooney stressed making the complex as open as possible to everyone in the community.
The project bids are due July 23. Klimes confirmed the complex will be larger than the inflated complex in Burlington.
Previously, the city council voted to contribute $600,000 from its federal rescue funds to the $4 million project and the Muscatine County Board of Supervisors had contributed $400,000. A private fund has been set up to collect the remainder of the funds.
Jenison said he is unsure but believes all the money has been raised for the project.
Another grant to Carver Trust has been written for the project. An annual operating expense of $279,327 is anticipated, which will be offset by revenue from the complex. The city also got a $1 million Destination Iowa grant for the project.
The indoor sports dome would be air-supported and would include a full-size synthetic turf soccer field that would be subdivided into smaller fields and restroom facilities. The facility will be built on the existing Soccer West field.
The city will be responsible for operation and maintenance of the facility.
Klimes told the council the Muscatine area needs a place for young athletes to play during the winter. Schedules would allow everyone to participate.
He also said the facility could be used for things such as car shows or craft shows. The fee structures and usage guidelines will come later.
Council member Angie Lewis confirmed that once the complex is constructed, there will be times that people from the city and the county will have access to it free of charge.
Klimes said the original hope was to have the complex open between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2024, but delays have made that impractical.
He said the city is now looking at late February 2025 for the complex to open.
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