Senior calendar of activities, events and trips
Vitality publishes the second Thursday of each month. To have an event published, it must be sent at least three weeks prior to the monthly publication date. To submit information for the calendar, email [email protected].

Medical Equipment Loans: At the Older Persons’ Commission. Available for short term use: walkers, wheelchairs, canes, shower stools, transfer benches. To schedule a loan pickup, call 248-608-0248. Leave a voicemail with your name, contact number and item you need or wish to donate or return.

Sept. 14: Oktoberfest at the Older Persons’ Commission, from 4-7 p.m. on Sept. 14. Come and join in the Fall fun at OPC’s Oktoberfest! The traditional Bavarian-style celebration will include live German music and dancing with the Enzian aus Detroit Band, delicious traditional food available for purchase from Deutschtroit Food Truck, beer, wine, snacks and refreshments. The event is open to the public and fun for all ages. Tickets are $10 and include entertainment and a pretzel. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For tickets or more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit
Sept. 14-Oct. 18: Wednesdays, from 7–8 p.m. Slow Flow Yoga held at Graham Elementary School Cafeteria, 25555 Crocker Blvd, Harrison Twp. Cost is $50 Register online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.

Sept. 13-Oct. 18: Wednesdays 9-10 a.m. Slow Flow Yoga held at Frederick V Pankow Center, 24076 F V Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $50 Register online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Sept. 19: Self Defense for Women Sept. 19, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at L’Anse Creuse Middle School South, 34641 Jefferson Ave, Harrison Twp. Cost is $35 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Sept. 20: Rewired Not Retired at the Older Persons’ Commission. Lunch with the Blevins at 1 p.m. on Sept. 20. $5. Trusted advice & insurance solutions to protect what matters most. Life happens fast, and the truth is there is nothing as valuable as peace of mind. Learn about insurance coverage options that can protect you from the unexpected. Includes lunch. Sponsored by Blevins Insurance Advisors. Tickets are $5 and available by calling (248) 659-1029. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit
Sept. 21: Mystery Book Club at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave., at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 21. No registration required. Calling all sleuths. Get together with other mystery readers as we discuss crime novels every third Thursday of the month. This month, we will discuss the Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman. Please read either The Thursday Murder Club or The Man Who Died Twice. You are welcome to join us even if you have not finished your book. For more information: or call 586-445-5407.
Sept. 21: Just One Linda – A Ronstadt Tribute at the Older Persons’ Commission from 6-7:30 p.m. on Sept.r 21. A musical celebration of the first lady of rock and 11-time Grammy winner. The event is open to the public and fun for all ages. Tickets are $10. Concession stand. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For tickets or more information, call (248) 659-1029 or visit
Sept. 22: Visually Impaired Group at the Older Persons’ Commission. Speaker: Don Rosenberg Elder Law BRMM Law, from 10-11:30 a.m. on Sept. 22. Support group providing information, socialization, support and speakers to those with low vision. Register by calling (248)608-0246. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit
Sept. 25: The Single Way, a group for Christian singles, is sponsoring an outdoor barbecue dinner and games night on Saturday, Sept.r 23 at 5 p.m. Cost is $5.00 and includes a complete dinner, snacks and beverages. If coming, a reservation is required by Friday, Sept. 22. For more information about location and to make a reservation, call 586-774-2119.
Sept. 27: 6:15–11:30 p.m. “Funny Girl” at the Fisher Theatre. Bus departs from Walmart parking lot, 45400 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield. Cost is $115 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
Sept. 27: Parkinson’s Care Partner Group at the Older Persons’ Commission, from 1-3 p.m. on Sept. 27. This group provides an opportunity for those who are caring for their loved one to come together for support, sharing and time to talk with others who are also living with Parkinson’s. Call facilitator Kathy Walton 248.568.3549. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, visit
Sept. 30: Puzzle Tournament at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave., from 1-3 p.m., on Saturday, Sept. 30. Registration required. Always puzzled by the one puzzle piece that is missing? Then rest assured, all the pieces will be here for this puzzle tournament! Sign up with a group of 2-4 people. Single puzzlers will be assigned to a group. The team closest to completing the jigsaw puzzle when time runs out wins! Each member of the winning team will receive an award. For more information or to register: or call 586-445-5407.
Sept.-Oct. 23: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Fitness 20/20/20 held at Frederick V Pankow Center, 24076 F V Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $96 Register online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Sept.-Dec. 7: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fit to Dance held at Tenniswood Elementary Cafeteria, 23450 Glenwood Ave, Clinton Twp. (Nov. 2 held at Frederick V Pankow Room 505). Cost is $240. Register online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Oct. 3: From Camelot to Kent State: Pop Art 1960-1975 at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. No registration required. Presented by the Detroit Institute of Arts. Artists in the 1960s celebrated American modern culture while also creating artworks that conveyed social and political commentary of the times. Explore pieces that both critique and celebrate mass media and popular culture. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit [email protected]
Oct. 3: Yarn Pumpkin Garland Craft at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. Registration required. Looking for new fall decorations for your home? Add a touch of harvest with your very own yarn pumpkin garland. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit
Oct. 5: Booked for the Evening: In Five Years at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 6:30 p.m. No registration required. Join our book group for a lively discussion of a different title each month. You can join us even if you have not read the book. This month’s title is “In Five Years” by Rebecca Serle. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit
Oct. 5: Aura & Chakras Oct. 5, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Wheeler Community Center, 24076 Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $30 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
Oct. 6: DSO Let’s Groove Tonight & Lunch at Small World Kitchen, from 9:15 am to 3:15 p.m. Bus departs from Walmart parking lot, 45400 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield. Cost is $78. Sponsored by the L’Anse Creuse Community Education. Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Oct. 7: Tours from noon to 4 p.m. on Oct. 7 at the Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township. Join us for our annual Cemetery Walk fundraiser for the Crocker House Museum. This is a unique, entertaining and educational event that the entire family will enjoy. Tickets: $18 for Macomb County Historical Society Members, $20 for non-members. Contact the Crocker House Museum at 586-465-2488 to purchase tickets and reserve your tour time.
Oct. 12: Astrology, reincarnation & karma Oct. 12, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Wheeler Community Center, 24076 Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $30. Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
Oct: 16-18: Explore Michigan, Thunder Bay Resort with several tours over the 3 days (see all details online or call) Bus departs 8 a.m. Oct. 16 from JPAC, 24600 Frederick Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is per person $911, single occupancy, $851 double occupancy, $831 triple or quad occupancy. Sponsored by the L’Anse Creuse Community Education. Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Oct. 17: RHGS Program: Salem Train Wreck of 1907 at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. No registration required. July 20, 1907 is the date when a passenger train on the Pere Marquette Railroad collided with a freight train in Northland Township, killing 28 people. Joseph Oldenburg, an archivist for the Burton Historical Collection, will discuss exactly what happened and why. The Roseville Historical and Genealogical Society presents a program at the Library every month. For more information, please contact RHGS representative Ken Schramm at 313-884-3067.
Oct. 19: Mystery Book Club: “The Witch Elm” at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Thursday, Oct. 19 at 6:30 p.m. No registration required. Calling all sleuths! Get together with other mystery readers as we discuss crime novels every third Thursday of the month. This month, we will discuss “The Witch Elm” by Tana French. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit
Oct. 19: Psychic Fun Night Oct. 19, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Wheeler Community Center, 24076 Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $30 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Oct. 23 & 30: Deal Me In! – Gin Rummy at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Oct. 23 and Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. on both days. Registration begins Oct. 2 Learning how to play Gin Rummy from an experienced cards player and enthusiast. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit
Oct. 26: Haunted Michigan with Kathy Conder at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Thursday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. No registration required. Kathy combines her love of travel and investigating the unknown in this program about her experiences in some of Michigan’s most haunted places. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit visit
Oct: 27: DSO Latin Fire trip, from 9:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m., on Oct. 27. Sponsored by the L’Anse Creuse Community Education. Bus departs from 45400 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield. Cost is $65. All tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 586-783-6330.
Oct. 28: Pumpkin Painting Party at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. Registration begins Oct. 7. Get into the Halloween “spirit” by painting some silly or spooky pumpkins at the library! You bring a pumpkin (pie pumpkins work best) and we’ll take care of the paints and supplies. We’ll also bring some treats and watch a classic Halloween special. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit
Nov. 1: Parade Co Tour and Lunch at Polish Village Café in Hamtramck, from 10:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus departs from Walmart parking lot, 45400 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield. Sponsored by the L’Anse Creuse Community Education.Cost is $75 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
Nov. 11: St. Benedict Catholic Church presents Harvest & Holly Craft Show, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 11 at Momentum Academy gymnasium, 60 South Lynn St., Waterford, with convenient free parking in the church parking lot. There will be artists & crafters from several different mediums, along with vendors from local and national companies. Benny and the Hooligans provide the entertainment. Bake sale, concessions, raffles. Admission $2, children under 12 free. For vendor information, call Sallie Bishop at 248-732-7113 ([email protected]) or call the St. Benedict parish offices at 248-681-1534. Contract and rules can be found on our website under ‘events’ at
Nov. 28: Zehnders Christmas Lunch Show, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Sponsored by the L’Anse Creuse Community Education. Bus departs from JPAC, 24600 Frederick Pankow Blvd, Clinton Twp. Cost is $130. All tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 586-783-6330.
Dec. 15: Coffee & Donuts at the DSO – “Home for the Holidays,” from 9:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Bus departs from Walmart parking lot, 45400 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield. Cost is $65 Enroll online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
Monthly events
• Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:15-10 a.m.(tentatively starting this Fall/Winter), Water Walking or Lap Swim held at L’Anse Creuse High School North, 23700 21 Mile Rd, Macomb. Walk in $5 a visit or purchase a punch card. Punch cards can be purchased at the pool, online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330.
• Older Persons’ Commission Membership: Mondays – Thursdays, from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.; Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.; and Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. OPC membership is available at no charge to all residents 50+ of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township. Registration forms are available at OPC or online at You must register in person and proof of residency is required. The OPC is located at 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. For more information, call 248-656-1403.
• Water Aerobics: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:45 to 11:35 am, Water Aerobics held at L’Anse Creuse High School North, 23700 21 Mile Rd, Macomb. Walk in $5 a visit or purchase a punch card. Tickets can be purchased online at or calling L’Anse Creuse Community Education at 586-783-6330
• Confident Communicators Club: Meets monthly for people who seek improving public speaking skills and leadership confidence. This supportive Toastmasters group meets online the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30 a.m. Many of our members have gain skills needed to become a better salesperson, grow their business, get promoted, and engage students. Register for any of our meetings to get the Zoom Link - Contact our VP Membership to get more information [email protected]
• Breakfast Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries: Breakfast (3rd Tuesday of each) at 10:30 a.m., Pancake Factory, 13693 23 Mile Rd, NE corner of 23 Mile & Schoenherr, Shelby Twp. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Contact Ellen 586-781-5781.
• Bowling held at Collier Bowl: 879 S Lapeer Rd. (M24), Oxford every Tuesday. Arrive at noon for lane assignments. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Cost is $7.50 for three games, (shoes extra at $2.50). Lunch afterwards optional. Call Joe at 248-693-2454 or Nadine at 248-475-9036.
• New Baltimore Civic Club: Euchre every Thursday at 36551 Main St. (corner of Blackwell) in New Baltimore. Sign in at 6:30 p.m., play at 7 p.m. $10 plus a quarter for each euchre.
• Breakfast every Wednesday: Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Join us at 10 a.m. at Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, 5606 Lapeer Rd., Kimball. Call Rita, 810-334-6287 for more information.
• Senior Card Playing: Come and join a fun group of card players who play a wide range of card games. Everyone brings a snack to share while playing. Free. Mondays from 1-4 p.m. at 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Dancing every Tuesday: at Polish Century Club, 33204 Maple Lane, Sterling Heights. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music from 7-10:30 p.m. Cost is $8 per person with a cash bar. A table is reserved for Widowed Friends. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries Contact Kate at 586-344-3886.
• New Baltimore Senior Club: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This welcoming group of seniors has all sorts of fun. We play bingo, hold luncheons, go on trips, and play cards. Monthly dues, $2. Location 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Zumba Gold: from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday at the Washington Center, 57880 Van Dyke, Washington Twp. Cost depends on how many punches are purchased. 4 punches $23 resident, $29 NR; 11 punches $60 resident, $66 NR. For more information, call 586-752-6543.
• Fish Fry Every Friday: Join us for dinner/music at the American Legion Hall, 1026 6th St., Port Huron. Food served from 4:30-7 p.m. Music goes from 5-8 p.m. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Contact Rita, 810-334-6287.
• Cards/Games/Friendship: Ss. John and Paul, (1st Thursday or every month), 1:30-4 p.m. at, 7777 28 Mile Rd. Bring a snack to share and your own beverage. Ss. John and Paul supports the Agape Center, a resource center for the most vulnerable members of society and would appreciate it if you could bring a canned good (vegetable, meat, fruit) when you come to play. (Dinner afterward at Romeo Family Restaurant, 66020 Van Dyke Rd., between 30 & 31 Mile is optional.) Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Call Ellen, 586-781-5781.
• Men Only Breakfast: Lukich Family Restaurant (1st & 3rd Thursday), 3900 Rochester Rd., Troy, at 9.m. The Widowed Men’s Group invites you to meet with other widowed men for breakfast at either of the Men’s Fellowship locations whichever is more convenient for you. Many topics & ideas help you become involved in the activities of Widowed Friends. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries Contact Ray at 248-585-5402.
• Eastside Movies: (1st Tuesday of each month) at Chesterfield Crossing Digital Cinema 16 (known for free soda & popcorn refills also offers discount matinee pricing) 50675 Gratiot Ave., Chesterfield Twp. Early dinner afterwards TBD. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. For more information, contact Marion at 586-703-1427
• Metamora – Dinner Club: (3rd Wednesday of the month) at 5 p.m. Join us at The White Horse Inn, 1 E High St., Metamora. Reserved seating. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Please RSVP to Sharry 248-840-0063. No walk- ins. Please call if you must cancel your reserved seating.
• Breakfast at Avenue Family Restaurant: 31253 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak, at 9:30 a.m. (2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month). Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries.