Scuttlebutt & Calendar
Thompson DivideIt’s official! The Department of the Interior announced on April 3 the finalization of the Thompson Divide Administrative Mineral Withdrawal — protecting 225,000 acres from future oil and gas leasing and mining for the next 20 years. In 2009, ranchers, recreationalists and conservationists formed the Thompson Divide Coalition to defend this cherished landscape and wildlife corridor. In 2022, President Joe Biden ordered his administration to initiate a public process for an administrative withdrawal. Permanent protection is being pursued via the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act.
Hunger reliefThis Saturday, April 6, Growing Empowerment will host a free, all-ages workshop at the Carbondale Library (from 10am to noon) and the Glenwood Springs Library (from 2 to 4pm) to provide education on transplanting garden starts while sorting seeds to distribute to LIFT-UP food recipients. Then, tomato and pepper plants will be transplanted to give away, too. All participants will take home organic heirloom seeds and informational packets. For details, search for “Growing Empowerment” on Facebook.

E-bike tax creditColorado is the first state in the union to launch an electric bicycle tax credit. Thanks to legislation passed last year (HB23-1272), all state residents are eligible to save up to $450 on an e-bike purchase from a qualified dealer. Find details at:
Crystal protection(s)The Crystal River Wild and Scenic and Other Alternatives Feasibility Collaborative Steering Committee has assigned three subcommittees to look into proposed methods of protection: 1) an Intergovernmental Agreements Subcommittee, 2) a Peaking Instream Flow Subcommittee and 3) a Wild and Scenic Subcommittee. The steering committee as a whole will continue to meet every six months and a memo for each method is to be presented at the next meeting in June or July. Find the entire press release in this month’s Crystal Valley Echo and a detailed report by Heather Sackett of Aspen Journalism at

CMC’s futureThe Colorado Mountain College board of trustees is seeking feedback from members of the public as they begin the search for a new college president and CEO. Dr. Carrie Hauser announced in March that she will step down in August after nearly 11 years in the role. Trustees have initiated an internal search to identity current employees qualified to apply for the position and are asking members of the public to complete a survey at
Star powerLocal artist Robert Burch was among 10 glassblowing artists selected to compete on season four of the Netflix series “Blown Away.” All episodes of the season are now streaming.
Not so sanctuaryGarfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario released a statement outlining the department’s policies when it comes to working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Due to Colorado law, police cannot hold someone for more than six hours without proper cause. Before the state law went into effect, people were often held solely because of their immigration status for ICE to apprehend — a practice known as an “ICE hold.” However, Vallario stated that the department continues to work with ICE within the confines of state law, including letting ICE officers know before someone of interest is to be released.
They say it’s your birthday!Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Wendy Damari Avila, Dan Hardin, Marilyn Murphy and Kevin Passmore (April 4); Will Sardinsky and Judy Schilling (April 5); Savanna LaBauve, Maddie Nieslanik, Adam Rudd and Mark Wolfe (April 6); Cassie Cerise, Paula “Sam” Hunter, Ellen Huttenhower, Sonja Linman, Beth Simonetti and Anais Tomezsko (April 7); Trish Anderson, Jeff Finesilver and Cait Kennett (April 8); Janet Ferrara, Hannah-Hunt Moeller, Ciara Morrison and Steve Tullar (April 9); Suzanne Lavin, Herschel Ross and Marty Treadway (April 10).
~ C A L E N D A R ~
Singer-songwriter Dana Cooper’s CD release tour stops by Steve’s Guitars on April 6 at 8pm. “The Ghost of Tucumcari” is his 32nd studio album, featuring all-star guest artists and marking Cooper’s 50 years in the business of making music. Courtesy photo
THURSDAY, APRIL 4PARKINSON’SSopris Lodge hosts Jodi Brown, CEO of Parkinson Association of the Rockies, for an educational presentation from 2 to 3pm. To RSVP, call 970-678-0057 or visit Library invites Minecraft players to hang out and build a city together every other Thursday at 3:30pm.COMMON ROOTSHeadQuarters hosts Common Roots, a men’s peer empowerment group, at 6pm. All adults who identify as he/him are invited.REEL ROCK 18The Basalt High School Climbing Club presents films from the Reel Rock 18 Film Tour at the high school at 5:30pm. Visit for tickets and more info.APOLOGY ARTJulie Oldham hosts “Mastering the Art of Apology” at True Nature at 6pm. To register, visit www.truenaturehealingarts.comCRYSTAL THEATRE“One Life” shows at the Crystal Theatre tonight at 7pm and Saturday at 4:30pm. “Wicked Little Letters” screens on Friday, Saturday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7pm and Sunday at 5pm.SWINGING LIGHTSSteve’s Guitars presents The Swinging Lights, an amalgam of many genres, at 8pm. Tickets at www.stevesguitars.netFRIDAY, APRIL 5KNIFE SHARPENINGRolling Stone Knife Sharpening offers their services out of Botany Houseplant Shop. Knives, pruners or scissors should be dropped before Thursday, April 4 to be picked up on Saturday, April 6.PRODUCED WATERThe Colorado Produced Water Consortium meets virtually from 9am to 1pm. Public comments on the final draft of the Initial Produced Water Regulatory Policy Coordination Recommendation Report are requested. For details contact [email protected] JOURNALINGAdults who wish to explore, observe and creatively document nature are invited to join a group of sketch book writers and artists every first Friday at 1pm at the Carbondale Library.FIRST FRIDAY“Spring into Wellness” with healing businesses and practitioners showcasing their offerings at the Rec Center from 5 to 8pm. Carbondale Arts hosts a closing reception for “Interdimensional Threads” at The Launchpad from 5 to 7pm. The Carbondale Clay Center hosts a reception for “Proximal Verdure,” an exhibit by HP Bloomer and Sam Oliver, at 6pm. The exhibit will be on display through April 12.PRESCHOOL FUNDRAISERBlue Lake and Little Blue Preschools host a benefit with live music and a silent auction at TACAW from 6 to 10pm. More info at www.bluelakepreschool.orgSPELLEBRATIONLiteracy Outreach’s 30th annual Spellebration event will be hosted at the Hotel Colorado beginning at 6pm. This year’s theme is “Under the LiteraSea.” Learn more at www.literacyoutreach.orgJAZZMONAUTSThe Jazzmonauts perform at Mountain Heart (1841 Dolores Way) from 7 to 9pm.DOUBLE FEATUREAustin Skalecki performs at Steve’s Guitars at 8pm, followed by June Star at 9:45pm. Tickets at www.stevesguitars.netSATURDAY, APRIL 6BREATHWORKNick Nicholson and Lisa Wilson lead a daylong breathwork workshop at the Third Street Center, from 9am to 6pm. Tickets: STARTINGKim Doyle Wille teaches about starting and transplanting seeds at the Carbondale Library at 10am. Growing Empowerment will host a second workshop at the Glenwood Springs Library at 2pm. All attendees will receive free organic heirloom seeds.DAYTIME FILMBasalt Library screens “An Inconvenient Truth” with Spanish subtitles and snacks provided at 11am.SOUND IMMERSIONIldi Ingraham hosts a sound immersion experience at the Carbondale Library at 4pm.CONSENSUAL IMPROVTACAW presents Consensual Improv for a night of comedy beginning at 8pm. Tickets at www.tacaw.orgSUNDAY, APRIL 7COLOR FESTIVALSunlight Mountain Resort closes out the season with a color festival. Beginning at 3pm, environmentally safe color powder will be launched at participating riders and skiers on Midway. Echo Monday will perform music.SUNDAY SESSIONSEl Dorado presents DJ Grim Nymph spinning 1970s West African psychedelic tunes from 4 to 7pm.RANDOM CONVERSATIONSAnswer thought-provoking questions that allow you to connect with whomever is sitting next to you during “The Lost Art of Random Conversations” at the Carbondale Library at 6pm.CONTRA DANCECarbondale Community School hosts the final contra dance of the season from 7:30 to 10pm with live music by the Wooden Nickel String Band!MONDAY, APRIL 8ECLIPSE WATCHCan’t make it to totality? Garfield County Libraries will have you covered with eclipse viewing parties at all six branches beginning at 11am.IN STITCHESThe In Stitches Knitting Club meets at the Carbondale Library at 1:30pm.TUESDAY, APRIL 9GIRLS WHO CODEBasalt Library welcomes youth of all genders to learn the basics of coding from 3:45 to 4:45pm.ENSEMBLE FLATIRONSThe Ensemble Flatirons, a brass quintet of University of Colorado Boulder graduate students, performs for free at the Basalt Library at 5:30pm.RADIO BINGOKDNK Community Access Radio hosts fundraising bingo at Carbondale Beer Works at 6pm.CRYSTAL BALANCEAspen Journalism and Colorado Water Trust present “Hanging in the Balance: Competing Needs for Water in the West” at 6:15pm. Register for free at www.tacaw.orgWEDNESDAY, APRIL 10MONEY SMARTSBasalt Library partners with Eagle County Healthy Aging to teach The Money Smart for Older Adults Program curriculum at the El Jebel Community Annex Building (0020 Eagle County Drive) from 11am to 12:30pm.SPARKCarbondale Library hosts SPARK at 2pm. “We’ll build, create, explore, concoct and invent together!”WORDPLAY AND WELLNESSBasalt Library invites teens to celebrate National Poetry Month by exploring wordplay strategies that empower self expression from 3 to 4:30pm. Registration is recommended at www.basaltlibrary.orgBEER TASTINGThe Redstone Inn hosts a beer tasting featuring Carbondale’s Mountain Heart Brewing Co. from 5 to 7pm. To reserve your spot, call 970-963-2526.‘ELEMENTAL’The Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative screens “Elemental” at TACAW at 6pm with door prizes, a silent auction and a panel of wildfire experts answering questions after the film. Find tickets at www.tacaw.orgMARTY O’REILLYSteve’s Guitars presents Marty O’Reilly at 8pm. Tickets at www.stevesguitars.netTHURSDAY, APRIL 11CODING CLUBThe Aspen Science Center teaches coding to teens at 3:45pm at the Carbondale Library.BANNED BOOK CLUBBasalt Library’s Banned Book Club discusses Stephen King’s “Carrie” from 5 to 6pm.RIVER STOPThe Middle Colorado Watershed Council holds the final of its 2024 speaker series events at the River Stop rest area in Rifle from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Jackie Corday, a water and land attorney, will present on low-tech stream restoration techniques together with Abby Burk, senior manager of the Audubon Society’s Western Rivers Program. To register, visit Cowles leads a men’s ceremonial breathwork circle at True Nature at 6pm. Register at www.truenaturehealingarts.comCOMEDYSteve’s Guitars presents one final Patio Night Live! show featuring Beth Brandon and Miller Ford at 8pm. Tickets at www.stevesguitars.netFRIDAY, APRIL 12MINI GREENHOUSESLearn how to make a miniature greenhouse for your seed starts using old CD cases at the Basalt Library from 3 to 5pm. More info at www.basaltlibrary.orgDJ BATTLEWatch KDNK staff members battle it out in 30-minute DJ sessions at Mountain Heart Brewing starting at 6pm. This KDNK membership drive event is presented by Music Gumbo Productions. Ten percent of beer sales will go to KDNK.FREE CONCERTEnjoy a free concert with JW Francis and Paul Cherry at TACAW at 8pm by registering in advance at www.tacaw.orgSATURDAY, APRIL 13AI DLAuthor Ilia Delio, a double-doctorate holding “theologian futurist,” gives a daylong presentation at the Aspen Chapel called “Why AI Needs Spirituality” from 9am to 3pm. The presentation will also be live streamed. More info at www.aspenchapel.orgTRUE OR FALSE?Learn how to identify false information on the Internet and social media at the Basalt Library at 11am. This is a bilingual event. Register at www.basaltlibrary.orgSPRING RECITALJennifer Gary on flute and Karen Tafejian on piano present an evening of light classical music at the Carbondale Library at 6pm.RIVER BRIDGE BENEFITRiver Bridge Regional Center hosts its Ninth Annual “Imagine” Fundraiser at Spring Creeks Ranch in Carbondale from 6 to 9pm. Tickets at SWIFTTACAW hosts “Let’s Sing Taylor,” a live band experience celebrating Taylor Swift, at 7:30pm. Tickets are sold out!SUNDAY, APRIL 14SUNDAY SESSIONSEl Dorado presents KDNK DJ Grateful Ed from 4 to 7pm.MONDAY, APRIL 15APOCALYPSE SURVIVALAre you prepared to live without electricity for a week, a month or more? Sue Gray teaches survival basics at the Carbondale Library at 6pm.PIRATE RADIOCelebrating 41 years on the airwaves, KDNK screens “Pirate Radio” at the Crystal Theatre at 7pm. Costumes encouraged!TUESDAY, APRIL 16YOUTH RADIOAndy Zanca Youth Empowerment Program tells teens at the Basalt Library what youth radio is all about from 4 to 6pm. Registration and more info at