Infinite Craft: How to Create All Months (Plus Calendar)
Many players know they can create Time in Infinite Craft, but few realize they can unlock various recipes for other time-related elements. This includes Year, Month, Season, Week, Calendar, and the 12 months of the year. Thanks to Infinite Craft’s AI generation mechanism, players can quickly craft all 12 months, from January to December, by mixing and matching elements.

However, to create all months in Infinite Craft, players must first make Time, Week, Calendar, and Month, which are key ingredients in these recipes. Since there are endless combinations in Infinite Craft, knowing precisely what two elements to mix to get Week, Calendar, and Month can be difficult. Here’s a guide on how to create all months plus the Calendar and Month block in Infinite Craft.
Related Infinite Craft: How to Make Shrek Infinite Craft enables players to combine elements to create outcomes. This includes pop culture references and characters, such as Shrek. How to Make Calendar and Month in Infinite Craft

To make Month in Infinite Craft, combine Week and Week, and to get a Calendar, mix Month and Year. However, to get these elements, you must first make Time, Day, and Week. Here’s a detailed walkthrough of the process:
Ingredient 1Ingredient 2Resulting Element WaterWindWave WaveEarthSand SandFireGlass GlassSandHourglass HourglassSandTime
Day and Week
Ingredient 1Ingredient 2Resulting Element WaterEarthPlant WaterPlantSwamp EarthSwampMud FireMudBrick BrickBrickWall BrickWallHouse HouseHouseTown TownTownCity CityCityMetropolis MetropolisMetropolisMegalopolis EarthWindDust DustWindSandstorm DustEarthPlanet PlanetSandstormMars EarthMarsLife LifeDustHuman HumanMegalopolisPolitician WaterEarthPlant DustPlantPollen PollenHumanAllergy AllergyAllergySneeze HumanSneezeSnot PoliticianSnotNot NotNightDay TimeDayWeek
Month, Year, and Calendar
Ingredient 1Ingredient 2Resulting Element WeekWeekMonth MonthMonthYear MonthYearCalendar How to Make All Months in Infinite Craft
After making the essential ingredients, you can now create all the months of the year. Here’s a list of each combination and ingredients:
MonthCombination JanuaryMonth + Snow/Ice/Cold/Winter FebruaryJanuary + January MarchFebruary + February AprilMonth + March May- Month + April – Calendar + Flowers June- Month + May – April + May JulyMonth + Summer AugustJuly + Summer SeptemberMonth + Fall OctoberMonth + Halloween November- Month + Fog – October + October December- Month + Christmas – November + November Infinite Craft
Platform(s) Web Browser
Released 2024-00-00
Developer(s) Neal Agarwal
Publisher(s) Neal Agarwal
Genre(s) Sandbox