Maryland elections: Add these important dates to your 2024 calendar
It is a presidential election year in the United States, and the primary season is underway. Some states have their citizens’ voices heard early in the process while snow still lays on the ground, but Marylanders don’t head to the polls until May.

Whether you are a first time voter or cast your ballot in the election between Kennedy and Nixon, here are some key dates all Maryland residents need to know:
Advanced deadline to register and update registration information: April 23

Early voting begins: May 2
Early voting ends: May 9
Presidential primary election: May 14
General Election: Nov. 5
Voters cast their ballots on the first day of early voting in Maryland’s 2022 primary elections.
Eligible Maryland voters, regardless of where they live, are allowed to vote by mail. You can register to vote and request a mail-in ballot on The Maryland State Board of Elections website.
The full 2024 Presidential Election Calendar by The Maryland State Board of Elections is available online.
Dwight A. Weingarten is an investigative reporter, covering the Maryland State House and state issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter at @DwightWeingart2.
This article originally appeared on Salisbury Daily Times: Maryland elections: Add these important dates to your 2024 calendar