Waco ISD asks for input on 2024-25 academic calendar
Waco Independent School District parents and others have a chance to comment on three proposed calendars for next school year.

The calendars, available with voting options on the Waco ISD website, differ largely in the timing of days and half-days off for teacher professional development training, work days and planning days. Students often do not have classes on those days.
The calendars share the same holidays and early release days. Holidays for the 2024-25 school year are Labor Day, Sept. 2; Indigenous People’s Day, Oct. 14; Thanksgiving break, Nov. 25-29; winter break, Dec. 23-Jan. 2, 2025; Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 20, 2015; President’s Day, Feb. 17, 2025; spring break, March 10-14, 2025; and Good Friday, April 18, 2025.

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Early release days are Dec. 20, and May 21-22, 2025.
School starts for students on Aug. 13 in the proposed Calendar 1 and Aug. 14 in Calendar 2 and Calendar 3.
The primary difference between Calendar 1 and the other two is the starting date of school for new and returning teachers and students and the returning date for teachers after winter break, said Deena Cornblum, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction. Calendar 2 and Calendar 3 are largely the same except for teacher professional development and planning days, Cornblum said.
She said parental, community and Waco ISD staff input are part of a calendar adoption process that began in November with review and discussion by a district advisory committee whose members include parents, business representatives and community members. The committee approved the three proposed calendars earlier this month. The draft receiving the greatest number of staff and community votes will be presented to Waco ISD trustees for their consideration and approval.
The deadline for voting is Friday.
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