Key dates of Falklads June Calendar and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Monday, May 30th 2022 – 08:30 UTC
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Wednesday 1st June,

6 – 7:30pm Public Reception for HM Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Town Hall
Thursday 2nd June (PUBLIC HOLIDAY) 4.51pm HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting, Moody Brook 6.30pm Platinum Jubilee Medal Ceremony, Government House 8.30pm HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting, Government House
Friday 3rd June (PUBLIC HOLIDAY) 10.30am Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Service Christ Church Cathedral
Saturday 4th June 2-4pm HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Community Party in the Town Hall 8pm midnight HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Family Dance in the Town Hall (for 11yrs+, under 15’smust be accompanied by an adult
Sunday 5th June, 2.30pm HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea, Town Hall
Monday 6th June, 11am Royal Corps of Signals & Army Air Corps Memorial Service, Pleasant Peak
Monday 6th June Arrival of the Queen’s Baton Relay (QBR)
Tuesday 7th June 4pm Finish of the Queen’s Baton Relay, Government House 7pm Reception for QBR participants and the FI CWG team, Government House
Weds 8th June, 11am Fitzroy Memorial Service 5:30-7:30pm FICS Susan Whitley exhibition
Thurs 9th June Arrival of 40th Anniversary and political guests: Sir Michael Rose, Lt Gen Chris & Mrs Leigh Brown, Rt Rev. Jonathan Clark, Cllr Paul Hinge, Cllr Huw Murphy, Richard Renouf and Steven Linares MP 4.30-6.30 pm IJS & CE Susan Whitley exhibition
Friday 10th June, 6pm Reception for invited guests to the opening of the 1982 Exhibition, Historic Dockyard Museum (Royal Marine Band also in attendance).
Saturday 11th June 1982 Exhibition Open Day, Historic Dockyard Museum 6-8pm Public Reception for the presentation of the Freedom of the F.I for all South Atlantic Medal Holders, Town Hall (Royal Marine Band in attendance)
Sun 12th June 12.15pm HMS Glamorgan Memorial Service, Surf Bay 6,00pm Royal Marine Band Concert, Christ Church Cathedral
Tues 14th June, 9:30am Liberation Day Church Service followed by parade to Liberation Monument. Public receptions at Town Hall & Malvina House Hotel.
Wednesday 15th June Fox Bay Liberation Day
Thursday 16th June, 6pm Public talk by Sir Michael Rose and Lt Gen Chris Brown about their 1982 experiences (venue tbc)
Fri 17th June, 6-8pm The Museum at Night, Historic Dockyard Museum
Sat 18th June, 11am Mid-Winter Swim, Surf Bay
Saturday 25th June, 6-7:30pm Armed Forces Day Reception, Malvina House Hotel (invited guests only)
Please note: this calendar is a ‘live’ document and is regularly reviewed and updated. A more detailed events schedule for the first six months of 2022 can be found at: