Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 2023–2024, Explained
Not another retrograde! On August 28, 2023, Uranus will take a cosmic detour in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, where it will stay until January 27, 2024.

Retrogrades have a big reputation in astrology for causing trouble. They’re said to bring mayhem wherever they go. But not every retrograde brings confusion to your personal life. Some retrogrades are the universe’s way of hitting the reset button when things get too hectic. Every year, the planets in our solar system enter retrograde motion at one point or another. Faster-moving planets like Mercury retrograde multiple times a year, while generational planets settle into slower-moving cycles lasting for several months. This summer has been heavy with retrograde energy, and Uranus is the latest planet to take its backward transit through the sky.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus will shift the collective consciousness when it begins its backward journey on August 28, 2023, at 10:39 p.m. ET. When a planet is retrograde, the themes associated with that planet are up for review. Uranus is all about change. When it retrogrades that shifts from external events to changes happening internally. As the “great awakener,” Uranus brings unexpected situations and shocks along with it. This retrograde will flip your frame of reference and show you the situation with fresh eyes. Uranus retrograde will shake things up for the next five months, indicating a time of inner reflection and alignment. It’s time to seek answers in the chaos.

Read on to learn about Uranus retrograde and how this whirlwind change in the cosmos will affect each zodiac sign.
What Does Uranus Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

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Uranus is the planet of rebellion, risk, and upheaval in astrology. Astrologically, Uranus is associated with extremes, paradigm shifts, new precedents, and forward progress, but not without a lot of noise and havoc first. No planet in the solar system is more disruptive than this eccentric ice giant. Uranus understands that progress requires bold action. As the planet that governs the collective consciousness, these transits can influence global mindset changes. This retrograde will be felt on a societal level. You’re questioning your place among your peers. Instead of blindly following the path that’s been laid out before you – you’re examining alternative ways of living.

Uranus retrograde wants you to stop letting your fear get the best of you. It’s time to take risks and welcome change into your life. Uranus retrograde will ask you to trust your instincts about what needs to change so you can embrace being original and unique. Radical and spontaneous changes occur when Uranus stations retrograde, for better or worse. When the world starts getting stuck in its pursuit of forward progress, Uranus speeds things along. If you’re feeling put down by the powers that be, hanging around people who drain your energy, or compromising your passion for status and comfort, Uranus will snap you out of your haze.
When Is Uranus Retrograde 2023–2024, and What Should You Expect?
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Uranus takes an annual backspin every year, slowing down the change-making process so you can take time to process things. Normally, Uranus cycles cause cutting-edge changes in humanity and civilization. It can awaken the collective spirit, reminding everyone that progress benefits everyone. When Uranus is retrograde – the focus moves to your inner spiritual world. You’re turning your attention to how you interact with the world around you. This year, Uranus stations retrograde on August 28, 2023, and will move backward through Taurus until January 27, 2024, marking a time to rethink who you are and where you belong. Here are the important dates to mark down in your calendar.
2023–2024 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus Dates:
May 12, 2023: Uranus enters pre-retrograde shadow period
August 28, 2023: Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus
January 27, 2024: Uranus stations direct in Taurus
May 12, 2024: Uranus exits post-retrograde shadow
Uranus is in fall in Taurus, meaning it’s in a weakened position here. The rebel planet rules all things flexible and forward-thinking, while Taurus likes to take a traditional approach. Uranus craves change, while Taurus creates structure. It’s no wonder that Uranus in Taurus transit has been heavy. Luckily, Jupiter in Taurus will join the retrograde party in Taurus on September 4, 2023, giving you a chance to press your luck. At some point, you may have to accept that you can’t make everyone else happy. This is your moment to change how you view your worth and value. Uranus retrograde wants you to create a vision of what life could be in your wildest dreams.
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How Uranus Retrograde in Taurus Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign
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Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will most directly feel this year’s 2023 Uranus retrograde. With Uranus and Jupiter retrograde in Taurus – making forward progress is more difficult for you. You might feel stalled in the same spot, detached from your current passions, or distracted from pursuing a goal. Don’t scold yourself for getting distracted. Instead, get curious about what your inner voice is telling you. If you choose to ignore what your intuition is telling you, you may find the next few months challenging. This can be a major opportunity to reset your life and allow things to unfold in unexpected ways.
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are making gradual changes to level up your lifestyle. Uranus retrograde is encouraging you to rethink your relationship with money and status. You’ve let your value be defined by the material world for too long. It’s time to release your fear of failure and start demanding your true worth. During this period, it may be challenging to make changes. But progress isn’t measured in time – it’s measured by the value you place on your dreams. The goal of this retrograde is to help you break free. Expect more awareness around who you are now and what you’ve outgrown. Welcome change and go with the flow.
Finally, mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) can expect life to evolve quickly during this retrograde. It’s become clear that your own fear of failure is what’s been holding you back. You’ve flirted with the idea of embracing a new era, but you committed yourself fully. Over the next few months, you’ll be able to see where and how you need to strike out on your own. Expect to have insights into a lost hope or dream from your past. Uranus retrograde is perfect for returning to the past in order to discover where you’re stuck and restricted.
UP NEXT: The Most Psychic Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers.