Charleston County School board members approve academic calendar for year 2025-2026
Charleston County School District has a new academic calendar for the 2025-26 school year.

Board members chose calendar A as the 2025-26 academic calendar during a June 24 board meeting, which schedules the first day of school as Aug. 12, spring break April 6-10, 2026, and sets May 28, 2026 as the last day of school.
This calendar option does not include additional breaks throughout the year, although it keeps up the supply of meals for students who rely on school lunches and breakfasts.

Board members voted 5-3 on this calendar, choosing it over two other options. Board member Courtney Waters was not present at the meeting.
The reasoning behind some board members voting in favor of calendar A was less breaks through the school year and spring break being close to the opening and closing of businesses through Easter holidays, which in their view, would aid parents with childcare.

“This issue with childcare is huge throughout the district, and we need to address it, and I think calendar A does a better job of addressing it,” said Keith Grybowski, the board’s chairman.
Members of the CCSD community had the chance to weigh in on the three options, dubbed calendars A, B and C, through a public survey that obtained over 6,000 responses.
Survey results showed most of the respondents preferred calendar A.
All calendar options proposed the first day of school as Aug. 12, 2025, and winter break Dec. 22, 2025, to Jan. 5, 2026. Options B and C included additional breaks through the school year to mitigate student burnout.
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Before selecting an option, board members had a debate about what the best calendar would be for students, parents and teachers.