Solar eclipse 2024: Will Stark County students have school on April 8?
Stark County school districts are discussing whether they will cancel classes April 8 to allow students to enjoy the rare total solar eclipse.

Ohio residents are expected to be able to experience the total eclipse on April 8, when the moon will block out the sun, casting a shadow on Earth. This is the first time this will happen in Ohio in more than 200 years, experts said.
Northeast Ohio is in the path of the solar eclipse, with it crossing the state from southwest to northeast passing through cities such as Toledo, Mansfield, Akron and Cleveland. Stark County is on the edge of the 124-mile-wide band in Ohio that will experience the total solar eclipse.

The total eclipse will last for approximately three minutes and 40 seconds in parts of the path.
Thousands of tourists are expected to flock to the area, raising some concerns as the timing of the eclipse occurs when many schools will be dismissing students.
Check out the entire path of totality for the April 2024 total solar eclipse.
More eclipse: Some Ohio school districts will close for the solar eclipse in April
The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce is encouraging districts to plan now for heavy traffic and potential safety concerns.
Several districts across the state, including Akron City Schools, have announced they will close April 8.
In November, Massillon City Schools Board of Education opted to adjust the school calendar and give students and staff the day off.
Massillon Superintendent Paul Salvino said with local hotels filling up and after discussion with city safety departments, they felt it was best not to have to deal with potential traffic and safety issues during the eclipse.
Lineup of Sun, Moon and Earth during the upcoming April 2024 total solar eclipse.
Marlington Local Schools has a professional development day planned for April 8. Staff will report to school but students will have the day off.
Other school officials are still considering if they will take the day off. Some said they are considering using a calamity day.
“The April 8, 2024, solar eclipse event has been on our radar for some time as district leaders have been collaborating with local experts,” Jackson Superintendent Chris DeLoreto said. “We will continue to gather information, data, and advice from emergency management personnel from Jackson Township, Stark County, and the state of Ohio. As we progress closer to this historic eclipse and our locale’s place in it, we will communicate with our parents, students, staff, and community.”
This article originally appeared on The Independent: Stark school officials consider closing school for total solar eclipse