Academic Deadlines Academic Calendars
Graduate students are responsible for the academic dates and deadlines posted to Drexel’s Academic Calendars located on the Provost’s website, including term start and end dates, course add, drop and withdrawal deadlines, University Holidays, exam periods, etc.

The majority of academic programs operate on the University’s quarter system. Please consult with your individual College or School to determine if your academic program is an exception to this rule and for additional dates and deadlines that may apply to your program.
Please also consult with your individual College or School regarding additional academic dates and deadlines related to your individual program.

Graduation Dates, Deadlines & Requirements
For graduate quarter program graduation dates, deadlines and requirements, visit the Graduation Requirements page.

For information on how to apply for your degree and deadlines per term, visit the Drexel Central website.
Commencement Ceremonies and Walkthrough Information
For information about Commencement, including dates, times, locations, tickets, regalia, etc. please visit the Commencement website.
For walkthrough information and the Application to Participate in Commencement Activities, visit the Drexel Central website.