Home & garden calendar Feb. 12-18
Send events for this calendar to [email protected] with “calendar listing” in the subject line. Deadline is two weeks prior to the event.
Feb. 12
Garden Club of Central Lake County- Seeds to Harvest: 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12, at CrossLife Evangelical Church. 431 W. Austin, Libertyville. “From Seeds to Harvest: Dana Morgan — Fifth-Generation Gardener.” The presentation will show how a longtime Lake County, backyard gardener moves through his growing season from seed starting through harvesting, while generating two separate waves of crops per year. Monthly meetings include a short business meeting, a mini-flower show, refreshments and the opportunity to meet local gardeners. No experience necessary. Guests are welcome. For information, gardenersofcentrallakecounty.org/aboutus/ or find on Facebook at Garden Club of Central Lake County.
Feb. 13
Mount Prospect Garden Club: 9:30 a.m. social time, 10 a.m. business meeting, 11 a.m. speaker, Tuesday Feb. 13, in the Farley Room at Mount Prospect Village Hall, 50 S. Emerson St., Mount Prospect. Cindy Crosby, Master Gardener, speaker and natural history writer, will present, “Literary Gardens.” From Agatha Christie’s mystery series to Brother Cadfael’s medieval herb garden, to Michael Pollan’s garden in “Second Nature,” to the “The Secret Garden,” beloved of children’s literature, there are so many gardens that helped shape the books we love to read. See your garden with new eyes — and come away with a list of books you can’t wait to explore. For information, gcmp.weebly.com.
Residential Planting Design: Virtually at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, through the Chicago Botanic Garden. Whether old or new, many homes have plantings that need to be refreshed or replaced. Learn the principles of good planting design and view a selection of plants, from shade trees to perennials, that work well, reduce maintenance and provide multi-seasonal interest. A well-designed landscape will improve curb appeal and increase the value of your home. This class will be taught online via Zoom. $32-$40. For information, chicagobotanic.org.
Feb. 14
Rolling Meadows Garden Club: 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month, Rolling Meadows Community Center, 3705 Pheasant Drive, Rolling Meadows. Refreshments and short business meeting from 6-7 p.m.; program begins at 7 p.m. For information, rollingmeadowsgardenclub.com.
Schaumburg Community Garden Club — Cleaning with Herbs: 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14, at Spring Valley Nature Center, 1111 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg. February’s topic is “Green Cleaning with Herbs,” presented by Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh. Lautanen-Raleigh, who is a contributing author to Essential Herbs Magazine’s new book “Through the Seasons” and blogs at BackyardPatch.com, will point out the numerous ways herbs can be used in your household to protect you from germs and chemicals at the same time. Learn ways to clean with herb infused vinegar, create mixtures to scrub ceramics and how to craft an effective laundry and dish washing soap. Learn the disinfecting properties of herbs and their essentials oils and how to combine them safely. Supply lists and recipes will be included. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Guests welcome. For information, schaumburggardenclub.org.
Feb. 15
The Garden Club of Inverness: 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, at All Saints Lutheran Church, 630 S. Quentin Road, Palatine. The club will host radio personality and gardener, Mike Nowak, who will present, “I’m Not Really a Garden Expert, I Just Play One on the Radio.” Nowak looks at a wide range of gardening issues — why we need to rethink our attitudes about insects, why pesticide is usually the worst response to a garden problem, why weeds always win, why fertilizing is overrated, why a lot of garden design is overrated, why some garden design could help, why expensive plants are easy to kill, why there’s no such thing as a native garden yet it is still important to grow native plants, and why some folks do the weirdest things in the name of gardening. There will be a brief business meeting at 9:30 a.m., followed by refreshments and the presentation. Guests welcome. For information, (847) 942-5482.
Feb. 17
Palatine Winter Farmers Market: 9 a.m. to noon on the first and third Saturdays of the month through April, at the Palatine Train Station parking lot. The Palatine Winter Farmers Market includes vendors: Garlic Underground, Hasselmann Farms, Honey Lake Bee Company, Joe + Dough, Katich Breads, Laconic Foods, Maggie’s Munchies Dog Treats, River Valley Ranch Mushrooms, Sharpening by Dave, Skokie Provisions, The Soft Wave Fish Co., Sweet Valhalla, Tamales Express, Treat Yourself Bakery and Zachi Chocolates. All shoppers are welcome to drive-through or walk-up, bring your bike or dog. For information on vendors and how to place orders, visit palatine.il.us/663/Farmers-Market.
Crystal Lake Home Show: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 17-18, at the Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, 800 S. Route 31, Crystal Lake. Connect with home improvement businesses and experts in every industry — all under one roof. Free admission and parking. For details, visit CrystalLakeHomeShow.com.
Gardening for Hummingbirds: Virtually at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, through the Chicago Botanic Garden. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are spectacular creatures and always a wonder to observe. Make your yard a haven for these tiny flying jewels with a great selection of native plants that provide food sources and nesting sites from spring to fall. $52-$65. For information, chicagobotanic.org.
Organic Seedlings Sale: Orders taken through Feb. 28. The First Congregational United Church of Christ’s tenth annual Organic Seedlings Sale is underway. Preorders for certified organic vegetable, herb and annual flower seedlings will be taken through Feb. 28. Seedlings can be ordered by going to the church website at elmhurstucc.org/store. Seedlings will be available for pick up at the church’s Green Garden Fair from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 11, at the church, 235 S. Kenilworth in Elmhurst.
Spring Plant Sale: Orders taken through Feb. 29. The Lincolnshire Garden Club is holding its second annual Spring Plant Sale. Plants can be selected and purchased on the club’s website at: lincolnshiregardenclub.com/fundraisers. The deadline for ordering perennials and annuals is Feb. 29. The pickup day is May 18, at 28 Fox Trail, in Lincolnshire.
The Orchid Show of Wonders runs through March 24, at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Courtesy of Chicago Botanic Garden
The Orchid Show of Wonders: Runs 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily through March 24, at Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake-Cook Road, Glencoe. Step right up to The Orchid Show of Wonders, where your favorite carnival and circus attractions come to life in new ways. Admission: Adults, $10 members, $21 nonmembers; children ages 3-12, $7 members, $14 nonmembers; children 2 and younger are free. For information, chicagobotanic.org/orchid/tickets.
Geneva Garden Club Scholarship: The Geneva Garden Club is offering scholarships to qualified students, who intend to pursue an education in horticulture, landscaping, environmental sustainability or a closely related field. An allotment of up to $10,000 will be divided among the chosen scholarship winners. The number of scholarships awarded will depend upon the number and quality of the applications received. A qualified applicant must be a resident of Geneva (60134) who is a graduating high school senior or current college student, intending to pursue education in one of the above mentioned fields. Those pursuing a Master Gardener Certificate can also apply for a scholarship to cover the cost of course work. Deadline to apply is Friday, March 8. For information, genevagardenclub.com.
Garden Club of Inverness Scholarship: The Garden Club of Inverness is pleased to offer one or more scholarships of at least $1,000 each to a graduating senior(s) or current college student(s), who is majoring in an environmentally-related field such as horticulture, landscape design, agriculture, botany, forestry, conservation, natural resource management or environmental science. Students or their parents must reside in High School District 211 or the area served by Barrington High School. The deadline for application is March 8. For information and the application visit gardenclubofinverness.com/scholarship.
Arlington Heights Garden Club Scholarship: The Arlington Heights Garden Club is accepting applications from graduating high school seniors or college students from the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, who are or plan to pursue studies in horticulture, environmental science, sustainability, conservation, arboriculture, and similar studies. The garden club has three $2,000 awards available. Details about the application process are available on the club website, ahgardenclub.com/copy-of-scholarships-1 (under the Community section). Deadline for the application is March 15.