Libra February 2027 Planetary Aspects
Discover important astrological aspects occuring on Libra sign with the planets on February 2027 and the corresponding zodiacal degrees and signs.
February 2027 planetary aspects on Libra are set in the Eastern Standard Time by default. To calculate the planetary aspects in your location, subtract 1 hour for Central Standard Time, 2 hours for Mountain Standard Time, and 3 hours for Pacific Standard Time from the set Eastern Standard Time. The particulars of every aspect is generated in correspondence to Daylight Saving Time, so further calculations need not be made.
Libra major aspects February 2027
Below are the major planetary aspects of the Libra in the month of February, 2027.
Aspect DateTime Position No aspect present for Conjunction Aspect DateTime Position Moon Opposition Neptune☽ ☍ ♆ Feb 22, 09:50 pm Moon 2° Libra 59′ Neptune 2° Aries 59′ Moon Opposition Saturn☽ ☍ ♄ Feb 23, 02:15 pm Moon 12° Libra 29′ Saturn 12° Aries 29′ Moon Opposition Chiron☽ ☍ ⚷ Feb 24, 04:38 pm Moon 27° Libra 22′ Chiron 27° Aries 22′ Aspect DateTime Position Moon Trine Uranus☽ △ ♅ Feb 22, 07:45 pm Moon 1° Libra 46′ Uranus 1° Gemini 46′ Moon Trine Pluto☽ △ ♇ Feb 23, 02:59 am Moon 5° Libra 59′ Pluto 5° Aquarius 59′ Moon Trine Node☽ △ ☊ Feb 24, 04:17 am Moon 20° Libra 28′ Node 20° Aquarius 28′ Moon Trine Mercury☽ △ ☿ Feb 24, 10:01 am Moon 23° Libra 41′ Mercury 23° Aquarius 41′ Aspect DateTime Position Moon Square Lilith☽ ☐ ⚸ Feb 24, 12:05 am Moon 18° Libra 6′ Lilith 18° Capricorn 6′ Moon Square Venus☽ ☐ ♀ Feb 24, 11:36 am Moon 24° Libra 34′ Venus 24° Capricorn 34′ Aspect DateTime Position Moon Sextile Jupiter☽ ⚹ ♃ Feb 24, 03:59 am Moon 20° Libra 18′ Jupiter 20° Leo 18′ Moon Sextile Mars☽ ⚹ ♂ Feb 24, 06:58 pm Moon 28° Libra 39′ Mars 28° Leo 39′ Libra minor aspects February 2027
Below are the minor Libra aspects in February, 2027.
Aspect DateTime Position Sun Quincunx Moon☉︎ ⚻ ☽ Feb 23, 12:09 am Sun 4° Pisces 20′ Moon 4° Libra 20′ Aspect DateTime Position No aspect present for Semi Sextile Aspect DateTime Position Moon Semi Square Jupiter☽ ∠ ♃ Feb 23, 02:02 am Moon 5° Libra 26′ Jupiter 20° Leo 26′ Moon Semi Square Mars☽ ∠ ♂ Feb 23, 05:01 pm Moon 14° Libra 4′ Mars 29° Leo 4′ Aspect DateTime Position Moon Sesquiquadrate Node☽ ⚼ ☊ Feb 23, 02:09 am Moon 5° Libra 30′ Node 20° Aquarius 30′ Moon Sesquiquadrate Mercury☽ ⚼ ☿ Feb 23, 09:09 am Moon 9° Libra 34′ Mercury 24° Aquarius 34′ Moon Sesquiquadrate Uranus☽ ⚼ ♅ Feb 23, 09:46 pm Moon 16° Libra 47′ Uranus 1° Gemini 47′ Sun Sesquiquadrate Moon☉︎ ⚼ ☽ Feb 24, 04:23 am Sun 5° Pisces 31′ Moon 20° Libra 31′
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Aspects By Planets: Aspects By Zodiac: