July 2025-june 2026 Calendar


Worth Noting:

Split Year Calendars / (July to June) - PDF templates
Split Year Calendars / (July to June) – PDF templates

Busy week. Council has a lot to finish up before Summer Recess July 31 – September 9, 2024.

Monday, June 24, 2024: At 1:30 pm Igor Tregub is sworn in as District 4 Councilmember. At 2:30 pm the Agenda and Rules Committee meets in the hybrid format to finalize the July 9 Council draft agenda and to discuss/take action on the Council Legislative Redesign. At 4:30 pm the Council meets in closed session. Tuesday, June 25, 2024: At 3:30 pm the Council meets in the hybrid format to take action on the Demolition Ordinance. At 6 pm is the Council regular meeting with items 49 & 50 on the North Berkeley BART housing project funding and Compliance Plan. Item 53 is the FY 2025 / 2026 biennial budget. Wednesday, June 26, 2024: From 11:30 am – 2 pm is the Berkeley Mental Health Pride Celebration. At 6 pm the Civic Arts Commission meets in person. At 6 pm the Environment and Climate Commission meets in person. At 6:30 pm the Police Accountability Board meets in the hybrid format. At 7 pm the Disaster and Fire Safety Commission meets in person. Thursday, June 27, 2024: From 10 am – 4 pm is a free Berkeley picnic with activities for all ages. At 6:30 pm the Community Health Commission meets in person. At 7 pm the Mental Health Commission meets in person. At 7 pm the Zoning Adjustment Board meets in the Hybrid format on 3031 Adeline. Friday, June 28, 2024: From 4 – 8 pm is the free Mpox vaccine pop-up. At 8:35 pm is the movie Top Gun in the park. Saturday, June 29, 2024: From 12:30 – 3:30 is the Adopt-A-Spot picnic. From 4 – 8 pm is the free Mpox vaccine pop-up. Check the City website for late announcements and meetings posted on short notice at: https://berkeleyca.gov/

Split Year Calendars / (July to June) - PDF templates
Split Year Calendars / (July to June) – PDF templates

At the bottom are the directions for getting on or off the email list for the Activist’s Calendar and Activist’s Diary.

For how to make the most out of ZOOM with closed captioning, zoom transcripts, saving CHAT and converting YouTube to a transcript go to https://tinyurl.com/3jau6ym8

Split Year Calendars / (July to June) - PDF templates
Split Year Calendars / (July to June) – PDF templates



Sunday, June 23, 2024 – no City meetings found 

Monday, June 24, 2024 

Igor Tregub sworn in as District 4 Councilmember at 1:30 pm.  

ZOOM link: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1612011070 


Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 2180 Milvia, 6th Floor – Redwood Room 

Videoconference: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1606547705 

Teleconference: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-833-568-8864 (Toll Free)  

Meeting ID: 160 654 7705 

AGENDA: Public Comment on non-agenda and items 1 – 7. 1. Minutes, 2. Review and Approve -7/9/2024 — draft agenda – use link or read full draft agenda below at the end of the list of city meetings, 3. Berkeley Considers, 4. Adjournment in Memory, 5. Council Worksessions, 6. Referrals for scheduling, 7. Land Use Calendar, Referred Items for Review: 8.Discussion and Possible Action on City Council Rules of Decorum, Procedural Rules, and Remote Public Comments, 9. City Council Legislative Redesign, Unscheduled Items: 10. Modifications of Improvements to City Council Meeting Procedures, 11. Strengthening and Supporting City Commission: Guidance on Development of Legislative Proposals, 12. Discussion and Recommendations on the Continued Use of Berkeley Considers Online Engagement Portal, 13. Consideration of Changes to Supplemental Material Timelines 

Removed from list of unscheduled items – Discussion Regarding Design and Strengthening of Policy Committees Process and Structure (Including Budget Referrals), https://berkeleyca.gov/your-government/city-council/council-committees/policy-committee-agenda-rules 

CITY COUNCIL Closed Session at 4:30 pm 

Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 2180 Milvia, 6th Floor – Redwood Room 

Videoconference: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1608132858 

Teleconference: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-833-568-8864 (Toll Free)  

Meeting ID: 160 813 2858 

AGENDA: 1. Conference with Legal Counsel – existing litigation regarding National Prescription Opiate Litigation US District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, MDL 2804, Case No. 1:17-md-2804, 2. Conference with Labor Negotiators – employee organizations Berkeley fire fighters Local 1227 I.A.F.F., Berkeley Fire Chief Officers Local 1227 I.A.F.F., Berkeley Police Association, SEIU 1021 Community services and Part-Time Recreation Activity leaders, SEIU 1021 Maintenance and Clerical Public Union Local 1, Unrepresented Employees. 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 

CITY COUNCIL (same login for both meetings) – Special meeting at 3:30 pm and Regular meeting at 6 pm  

Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 1231 Addison St. in the School District Board Room 

Videoconference: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1602106200 

Teleconference: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-833-568-8864 (toll free)  

Meeting ID: 160 210 6200 




Zoning Ordinance BMC 23.326 Demolition and Dwelling Unit Controls (Demolition Ordinance)  

CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING at 6 pm (follows 3:30 pm meeting) 

AGENDA: Use the link and choose the html option to review by agenda item, choose pdf for the entire packet or see the agenda listed at the end of the calendar. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 

BERKELEY MENTAL HEALTH PRIDE CELEBRATION and Resource Fair from 11:30 am – 2 pm 

Location: 2640 Martin Luther King Way, Adult Mental Health Clinic 



In-Person: at 1901 Russell, Tarea Hall Pittman South Branch Library  

AGENDA: 6. Presentations, Discussion & Action a) Approval of Design Development Phase of Artwork for the West service Center by Lara Kaur, b) FY 2025 Community Festivals and Art Programs Grant Process Memo, c) FY 2025 Community Festivals Grant Awards, d) FY 2025 Arts Programs Grant Awards. E0 Approval of Commission Subcommittees and Subcommittee members, f) Discussion of Potential arts Ballots Measure and Approval of Letter to Council, g) Berkeley Arts and Music Summit and Berkeley Cultural Trust, h) Report on Community Convening to Discuss a West Berkeley arts & Culture District, i) Presentation: State Designation Process for Cultural Districts, j) Presentation: FY 2023 Artist Grantee Showcase Video, k) Presentation: FY 2024 Public Art Accomplishments, l) FY 2025 Civic Arts Commission Work Plan. 



In-Person: at 1901 Hearst, North Berkeley Senior Center 

AGENDA: 7. General Plan Update: Disaster Preparedness and Safety, Environmental Justice and Climate Metrics, 8. Consider action on joint City Council item with the Zero Waste Commission requesting support for BHS reusable tableware program, 9. Draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, 11. Cesar Chavez landfill GHG management a. New information: May 24 2024 off-agenda memo providing an Update on Environmental Testing at former City landfill. 



A Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: 2020 Milvia, Suite 250 

Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82653396072 

Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833  

Meeting ID: 826 5339 6072 

AGENDA: 3. Public comment on agenda and non-agenda items, 5. ODPA Staff Report c) Use of Force, d) Recap of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium, 7. Police Chief Report, 9. a. Specialized Care Unit (SCU), b. July 18, 2024 Community Forum at the Hope Center, c. Initiate policy review on Computer Voice Stress Analysis technology and use by BPD (Recent Article June 4, 2024 in SF Chronicle “It’s been called junk science as accurate as a Ouija board. Why are police agencies using this tool?” names Berkeley Police Department as using the described junk science – Computer Voice Stress Analysis https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/law-enforcement-technology-investigations-18756947.php 10. Public comment, Closed session. 



In-Person: at 997 Cedar, Fire Department Training Center 

AGENDA: 4. Support of the Grizzly Peak Mitigation Project, Recommendation to Support Vegetation Management in Fire Zones, 5. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP), 6. Ad-Hoc LHMP Workgroup for DFSC feedback on First Draft LHMP for action at August 7, 2024 meeting. 


Thursday, June 27, 2024 – Presidential Debate from 6 – 7:30 pm 


Location: at 1730 Oregon, Grove Park 

Free Picnic and activities for Kids, Teens and Adults, Games, Inflatables, Music, Obstacle Course, Petting Zoo, Sports Zone, Tot Zone, Treats 

Tots lunch begins at 11 am, everyone else begins at noon 



In-Person: at 2939 Ellis, South Berkeley Senior Center 

AGENDA: 2. Public Health Officer’s Report, 5. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, 6. Letter from Community Member Concerning Wood Burning, 7. Review Workplan, Priorities and Goals. 



In-Person: at 1901 Hearst, North Berkeley Senior Center 

AGENDA: 3. Presentation Police Captain Schofield on Response by Police Department to Mental Health Crisis calls, 4. SCU Update, 5. Letter to the City Auditor, 6. Discussion and review of Berkeleyside article about “Berkeley returns $400,000 in housing funds meant for homeless hotel” write and vote on an opinion to be sent to the city manager, city council and/or Berkeley Mental Health Division, 7. Mental Health Manager’s Report and Caseload Statistics. 



A Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 1231 Addison St. in the School District Board Room 

Videoconference: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82823674905 

Teleconference: 1-669-444-9171 

Meeting ID: 828 2367 4905 

AGENDA: 2. 3031 Adeline @ Emerson – Use Permit #ZP2018-0156 – to demolish a single-story, approximately 1,000 sq ft commercial building and 10,000 sq ft parking lot and construct 52,000 sq ft 75-ft tall mixed-use building with 60 dwelling units (including 8 very low income and 7 low income) 4,000 sq ft commercial and 21 off-street parking spaces. Project per DRC is to resolve Bird safe issues, high hazard corner windows (DRC issues page 12). 


Friday, June 28, 2024 

FREE Mpox Vaccine Pop-Up from 4 – 8 pm 

Location: at 2107 Fourth Street, Steamworks Baths 

Note: It takes 2 vaccine doses for protection 


MOVIES in the PARK: TOP GUN from 8:35 – 11 pm 

Location: at 1301 Shattuck, Live Oak Park  

NOTES: If driving, early arrival is recommended as there is limited parking, bring blankets, and/or low back beach chairs and flashlights for walking out to go home. This is an alcohol-free event. 

Use link for details and to Register for Childcare 


Saturday, June 29, 2024 


Use link to Register 

Location: at 1231 Addison, Strawberry Creek Park 

Note: This is a potluck style event 


FREE Mpox Vaccine Pop-Up from 4 – 8 pm 

Location: at 2107 Fourth Street, Steamworks Baths 

Note: It takes 2 vaccine doses for protection 


Sunday, June 30, 2024 – no City meetings found 


AGENDA AND RULES COMMITTEE Meeting at 2:30 pm on June 24, 2024 

DRAFT AGENDA for City Council July 9, 2024 Regular Meeting at 6 pm 

Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 2180 Milvia, 6th Floor – Redwood Room 

Videoconference: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1606547705 

Teleconference: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-833-568-8864 (Toll Free)  

Meeting ID: 160 654 7705 



Police Accountability Board (PAB) – Appointment of new member by Taplin Numainville, City Clerk – Policies and Timeline for Filing Ballot Measures Arguments Louis, Police – Grant Application $300,000: Bureau of Justice Assistance Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies Sprague, Fire – Contract $150,000 ($75,000/year) with Gallup, Inc. for Employee Engagement and Development, 8/1/2024 – 9/30/2026 Sprague, Fire – Purchase Agreement $7,353,115, sales tax $751,206, prepay discount $951,353 with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. and contract amendment No. 078804-1 (8068) add $9,492,845 (prior to sales tax, equipment only) NTE amount $26,693,305 with Banc of America Public Capital Corp. for Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement paid over 7 years at an annual interest rate of 4.1438% and 1st payment not later than 4/9/2025 for 3 Pierce Enforcer 1500 GPM Type 1Fire Engines and 2 Aerial Fire Trucks Kouyoumdjian, HR – Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Civilian Instructor – Establish Job Class Specifications and hourly salary range of $31.5568 – $38.7241 Kouyoumdjian, HR – Amend Contract No. 32000224 total cost $375,000 with Goinvest, Inc. for Labor Costing Software and Analysis Services 5/23/2024 – 6/30/2026 Ferris, Parks – Contract $3,080,000 which includes $28,000 contingency with Rincon Consultants for Environmental Support Services for the Berkeley Water Transportation Pier Ferry Project Davis, Public Works – Contract $12,361,800 with Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc. for Street Rehabilitation FY 2024 Project. Hahn, co-sponsors Bartlett, Taplin – Relinquishment of Council Office Budget Funds for co-sponsorship of Port Chicago Weekend 2024 AGENDA on ACTION:  Brown, City Attorney – Ordinance Providing for Voting by persons aged 16 and 17 for Office of School Director in November 2024 School Board Elections Numainville, City Clerk – Initiative Petition – Initiative Ordinance Establishing Direct Rental Payments and Amending the Rent Stabilization Ordinance for 11/5/2024 election and designate by motion councilmembers to file ballot measure arguments Numainville, City Clerk – Initiative Petition – Initiative Ordinance to Adopt a Special Tax on Natural Gas Consumption in Buildings 15,000 sq ft or larger for 11/5/2024 election and designate by motion councilmembers to file ballot measure arguments Numainville, City Clerk – Initiative Petition – Initiative Ordinance creating a Parcel Tax for the Purpose of Funding Repairs and Improvements to Streets, Sidewalks and Pedestrian Paths (Fix the Streets & Sidewalks) for 11/5/2024 election and designate by motion councilmembers to file ballot measure arguments Numainville, City Clerk – Initiative Petition – Initiative Ordinance Requiring the Adoption of Minimum Indoor Air Quality Standards in City-Owned and City-leased Buildings for 11/5/2024 election and designate by motion councilmembers to file ballot measure arguments Numainville, City Clerk – Initiative Petition – Initiative Ordinance creating a Parcel Tax for the Purpose of Funding Repairs and Improvements to Streets, Sidewalks and Pedestrian Paths (Safe Streets) for 11/5/2024 election and designate by motion councilmembers to file ballot measure arguments Radu, City Manager Office – Referral Response: Gap analysis of Berkeley’s Homelessness System of Care Community Health Commission – Dark Skies Ordinance Harrison – Amendments to BMC 23C.22 Short Term Rentals – negative recommendation by the Land Use, Housing & Economic Development Committee Lunaparra – Amend 1/30/2024 Council action and remove Dwight Way/Telegraph Intersection from list of intersections being considered for additional surveillance technology Lunaparra – Condemn University of California’s Anti-Labor Actions and Legal Tactics INFORMATION REPORTS:  Klein, Planning – LPO NOD 1401 Le Roy Ave #LMSAP2024-0002  


CITY COUNCIL AGENDA for Special Meeting at 3:30 pm and Regular 6 pm Meeting on June 25, 2024 

Hybrid Meeting 

In-Person: at 1231 Addison St. in the School District Board Room 

Videoconference: https://cityofberkeley-info.zoomgov.com/j/1602106200 

Teleconference: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-833-568-8864 (toll free)  

Meeting ID: 160 210 6200 




Zoning Ordinance BMC 23.326 Demolition and Dwelling Unit Controls (Demolition Ordinance)  



Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,912-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Debt Service on Neighborhood Branch Library Improvements Project General Obligation Bonds (Measure FF, November 2008 election) at 0.0048% Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,913-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Debt Service on the Street and Watershed Improvements General Obligation Bonds (Measure M, November 2012 Election) at 0.0064% Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,914-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Debt Service on 2015 Refunding General Obligation Bonds (Measures G,S & I) at 0.0111% Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,915-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Debt Service on the Infrastructure and facilities General Obligation Bonds (Measure T1 November 2016 election) at 0.0136% Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,916-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Debt Service on the Affordable Housing General Obligation Bonds (Measure O November 2018 election) at 0.0250% Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,917-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Business License Tax on Large Non-Profits $0.8207 per square foot of improvements Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,918-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund the Maintenance of Parks, City Trees and Landscaping at $0.2210 per square foot of improvements Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,919-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund the Provision of Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic Tax) at $0.0468 per square foot of improvements Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,920-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Emergency Services for the Severely Disabled (Measure E) at $0.02094 per square foot of improvements Oyekanmi, Finance – 2nd reading 7,921-N.S. – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Firefighting, Emergency Medical Response and Wildfire Prevention (Measure FF) at annual tax rate of $0.1220 per square foot of improvements Wong, Auditor – 2nd reading 7,922 – Amendments to BMC 2.24 to Establish Whistleblower Program Authority, to formally establish the City Auditor’s authority to receive and refer reports of fraud, waste or abuse as well as investigate those reports and any reports of retaliation against whistleblowers Numainville, City Clerk – Minutes Arredondo, CM Office – Contract $2,000,000 ($1,000,000/FY) with Community Initiatives | Live Free USA to design, implement, and assess the Custom Notification and Street Outreach Services component of the CoB Gun Violence intervention and Prevention Program for a 2-year pilot Oyekanmi, Finance – FY 2025 Tax Rate: Fund Fire Protection and Emergency Response and Preparedness (Measure GG) at annual tax rate of $0.0629 per square foot of improvements Oyekanmi, Finance – Formal Bid Solicitations Total $2,730,000 1. $2,250,000 On-call Landscape Architectural Services, 2. $480,000 FY 2023 Streetlight Maintenance Project Oyekanmi, Finance – Appropriations Limit for FY 2025 $353,538,057 Oyekanmi, Finance – FY 2025 Reaffirm the Investment Policy and Designation of Investment Authority Sprague, Fire – MOU with City of El Cerrito to provide year-round automatic aid in each jurisdiction for fire, technical rescue, emergency medical and other emergency response, rescinding Resolutions No. 68,820-N.S. and 66,821-N.S. and maintaining the existing mutual response area agreement until the year-round fire and emergency services agreement is ratified Sprague, Fire – Contract $200,000 for Fire Records Management Software from 7/1/2024 – 3/3/2027 with 1 3-year option to extend Sprague, Fire – Purchase Order $400,000Wildfire Defense Mesh from 6/1/2024 – 5/31/2027 with option to extend for 3-years Gilman, HHCS – Adopt Resolution Prioritizing City-Owned Land for Affordable Housing and Noticing of Potential Disposition of City-Owned Land consistent with Surplus Lands Act Gilman, HHCS – Revised operating Budget for Golden Bear Homes (1620 San Pablo) with understanding the operating of Homekey may necessitate a future reservation of Approximately $500,000 if other sources are not identified Gilman HHCS – Reserve additional $4,496,669 in Housing Trust Fund program funds for development loan agreement for BRIDGE Housing affordable housing project at 1740 San Pablo Gilman, HHCS – Revenue Grant Agreement $375,000 for FY 2025 from State of California for Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Program Gilman, HHCS – Revenue Grant Agreement from Alameda County for public health promotion, protection and prevention for FY 2025, 1. BHS & Berkeley Tech $183,918, 2. School Linked (Measure A) $200,011, 3. Tobacco Prevention $81,329 Kouyoumdjian, HR – MOU SEIU Local 1021 Maintenance & Clerical Chapters6/27/2024 – 7/26/2027 approves a new Classification and Salary table Kouyoumdjian, HR – Unrepresented Employee Group Salaries, Longevity Differential, and Vision Insurance Kouyoumdjian, HR – MOU Berkeley EMS Professionals IAFF Local 1227 from 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2026 Fong, IT – Contract $1,324,193 with Accela, Inc for Software Upgrade and Maintenance 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2027 Fong, IT – Amend spending authority with AHEAD, Inc for purchase of Varonis subscription software licenses utilizing California Department of General Services software Licensing Program add $550,890 total $973,804.51 1312023 – 9/28/2025 Mayer, Library – FY 2025 Special Tax Rate to Fund the Provision of Library Services $0.2800 (28 cents) per sq foot for dwelling units and $0.4233 (42.33 cents) per sq foot for industrial, commercial and institutional buildings Ferris, Parks – Grant Application $25,000 California Fire Foundation-Camps Wildfire Response Equipment Louis, Police – Audit Recommendation Status Overtime and Security Work for Outside Entities Davis, Public Works – Approve Proposed Projects Anticipated to be paid for by State’s Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funds for FY 2024-2025 Davis, Public Works – PO $1,500,000 with WEX Fuel Card Program for Fueling City Vehicles through 6/30/2029 Davis, Public Works – Contract $1,069,200 includes contingency $97,200 with Bay Construction for Second Street STAIR Center Site Improvements and Shelter Units Project Davis, Public Works – Accept Grant $1,500,000 from U.S. EPA for West Berkeley Aquatic Park Stormwater Improvement Project to plan, design and construct bioretention garden for the Channing Way Micro-Watershed and the installation of 2 Hydrodynamic separators on the Bancroft Street culvert and Channing Way Davis, Public Works – Accept Grant from Alameda CTC CIP 2024 Adeline Corridor Transportation Improvements Davis, Public Works – Contract $1,461,394 includes $145,616 contingency with B Brothers Construction, Inc. for West Berkeley Service Center Improvements Project Davis, Public Works – Contract $850,000 with Edgeworth Integration, LLC for Installation of External Fixed Video Cameras at Council Approved Intersections Housing Advisory Commission – Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s 2024 Regional Affordable Housing Bond Mental Health Commission – Appointment of Ajay Krishnan to Mental Health Commission 6/25/2024 – 6/24/2027 Parks, Recreation and Waterfront Commission – FY 2024 / 2025 Budget Referral Allocation of $100,000 to fund a Nexus Study as a first step toward adopting a Parks Impact Fee for new developments Arreguin, co-sponsor Kesarwani, Hahn – Relinquishment of council office budget funds up to $500 to DBA for Front Row Festival Arreguin, co-sponsors Kesarwani, Bartlett, Hahn – Support for ACA 14 – The Basic Standards at UC Act Arreguin, co-sponsor Hahn – Accept grant $100,000 from San Francisco Foundation and engage Planet DMA (DBA DMA INK) in consulting work associated with the Equitable Black Berkeley Iniative and execute a new contract with Gail McGuire (at weekly rate $2000 for 12 weeks) to support EBB community engagement Arreguin – Amend Contract No. 32000196 add $32,500 total $336,000 with Szabo & Associates for communication consulting services for the Mayor’s Office and extend to 11/30/2024 Taplin, co[sponsors Arreguin, Lunaparra – Relinquishment of council office budget funds up to $500 to Downtown Pride on the Plaza AGENDA on ACTION:  Gilman, HHCS – Reserve $24,500,000 to support the development of affordable housing at the North Berkeley BART Site, Phase 1 a. Bridge Housing $10,657,975, b. East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation $5,473,534, c. Insight PSH Project $8,368,491, 2. Waive section 1.A.1 of Housing trust Fund Guidelines for Applicant Experience for Insight Housing, 3. Authorize CM of designee to disburse up to $2,000,000 of the $24,500,000 for predevelopment, Gilman, HHCS – Approval of North Berkeley BART Affordable Housing Compliance Plan, Davis, Public Works – Levy and Collection of FY 2025 Street Lighting Assessments Davis, Public Works – Approval and Levy of 2018 Clean FY 2025 Stormwater Fee Friedrichsen, Budget Manager – Adopt Biennial Budget for FY 2025 & 2026 Friedrichsen, Budget – FY Annual Appropriations $776,943,545 (gross) and $670,897,257 (net) Oyekanmi, Finance – Borrowing of $36,000,000 and the sale and issuance of FY 2024-2025 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes Harrison – Adopt Ordinance adding chapter BMC 12.75 to establish protections relating to horses held, owned, used, exhibited or otherwise kept for racing or other sport, entertainment or profit Oyekanmi, Finance -Accept Risk Analysis for Long-Term Debt (Bonding Capacity) Report provided by Government Finance Officers Association Harrison, co-sponsors Bartlett, Hahn – Adopt Ordinance adding chapter BMC 12.01 Establishing Emergency GHG limits, Process for Updated Climate Action Plan, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Regional Collaboration Kesarwani, co-sponsors Humbert, Wengraf – Referral to CM and FY 2025 & FY 2026 Biennial Budget $400,000 ($200,000/ year) to develop and fund a RFP to support Berkeley Based non-profit food assistance providers serving food insecure households, INFORMATION REPORTS:  Friedrichsen, Budget – Voluntary Time Off Program Friedrichsen, Budget – Status Report – Berkeley’s Financial Condition (FY 2012 – 2021) Pension Liabilities and Infrastructure Need Attention Oyekanmi, Finance – FY 2024 2nd Quarter Investment Report ended 12/31/2023 Oyekanmi, Finance – FY 2024 3rd Quarter Investment Report ended 3/31/2024 Zero Waste Commission – FY 2024-FY 2025 Work Plan  


Referred to Parks Commission – Bartlett – Officially name the raised concrete bed at the southeast corner of Alcatraz and Adeline in honor of Richie Brook-Cole Smith (Ms. Richie) Continued to July 9 – Community Health Commission – Dark Skies Ordinance  

+++++++++++++++++++ Land Use – Work Sessions – Special Meetings +++++++++++++++ 


2600 Tenth Street 7/30/2024 

3000 Shattuck (construct 10-story mixed-use building) TBD 


June 25 – 3:30 pm – Demolition Ordinance June 25 – 3:15 pm – Adopt results of May 28 election September 17 – open October 22 – Draft Waterfront Specific Plan UNSCHEDULED WORK SESSIONS & SPECIAL MEETINGS  Ashby BART Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Berkeley – El Cerrito Corridor Access Plan Presentation (tentative July) Feasibility Study Follow Up Session (housing feasibility moved to fall) Dispatch Needs Assessment Presentation Presentation on Homelessness/Re-Housing/Thousand-Person Plan (TBD regular agenda)  


Fire Department Standards of Coverage & Community Risk Assessment  

++++ How to get on or off the Activist’s Calendar and Activist’s Diary email list ++++++++ 

Kelly Hammargren’s summary on what happened the preceding week is posted on the What Happened page at: https://www.sustainableberkeleycoalition.com/what-happened.html and in the Berkeley Daily Planet https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/ 

The Activist’s Calendar of meetings is posted on the What’s Ahead page at: https://www.sustainableberkeleycoalition.com/whats-ahead.html 

If you would like to receive the Activist’s Calendar as soon as it is completed send an email to: [email protected] you want to receive the Activist’s Diary send an email to [email protected]. If you wish to stop receiving the weekly calendar of city meetings please forward the email you received to- [email protected] -with the request to be removed from the email list.